
Site Map

Organized links to almost everything in site

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better"
- Maya Angelou

This SiteMap page contains links to almost all of the important content from the site, organized into Threads, Code Bits, Stories and Bites, Code Repositories, Engineering content, and links to other things you may find Interesting. Content for this site is incomplete but growing. The enabled links are nearly complete, and disabled links show where contents are headed. Think of the disabled links as a specification of things to be added. It is a work in progress with a lot of completed content.


Threads are linked sets of pages that all focus on a single topic or story. There are many defined in this site, so this table is intended to help you sort them out and find what you need. Maroon links point to incomplete threads. Each thread provides pages with top and bottom menus containing "Prev" and "Next" buttons and "Pages" button for navigating within the thread. This SiteMap page is part of the Site thread and has these controls.
Sequences of connected pages with "Prev" and "Next" controls and Pages dropup (bottom menu on right).
Site Describes the site, its contents, and how navigation works
Help Help with:
VS Code, Rust Cargo, C++ CMake, dotnet CLI, git, github, PowerShell, RegEx, ChatGPT, Site Navigation
Rust Story Pages are chapters in the Rust Story ebook
Rust Bites Each page focuses on a single feature of the Rust language
C++ Story Pages are chapters in the C++ Story ebook
C++ Bites Each page focuses on a single feature of the C++ language.
Code Bits Presents learning levels for the five languages: C++, Rust, C#, Python, and JavaScript. Levels are: Hello World, Data, Objects, Generics, and Iteration.
Repository Indexes Each page holds links to topic specific code repositories, e.g., C++ code, Rust code, ...
C++ Repositories Linked documentation of all C++ code repositories
Rust Repositories Linked documentation of all Rust code repositories
C# Repositories Linked documentation of all C# Repositories
JavaScript Repositories Linked documentation of all JavaScript Repositories
Other Repositories Each page documents a code repository that doesn't fit into the above categories.
Prototypes Prototype pages and widgets defined for this site.
BuildOn Rust Project - TextFinder - as a sequence of design and implementation activities.
BuildOn has an older UI that links pages from a left panel instead of "Prev", "Next", and "Pages" buttons.
Blogs Linked list of blog entries, e.g., ideas, opinions, principles, patterns, ...
MLips Guest story about implementing pipelines of policy-based computation using machine learning models, authored by Mike Corley.
∞ Data Library Guest story about capturing and presenting research data with authenticated sources, authored by Alexey Zaitsev.
These threads are expanded and complemented with non-thread links in the tables below.

Code Bits

Bits are small pieces of compilable code that illustrate basic syntax, idoms, and small patterns for the C++, Rust, C#, Python, and JavaScript programming languages. Their purpose is to make it easy to compare small bits of a language you are trying to learn with the same bits written in a language you already know.
Code Bits
Comparison of small bits of syntax, idioms, and patterns
Tooling Identifies a useful tool set, instructions for installing and how to build code in C++, Rust, C#, Python, and JavaScript.
C++, C#, Rust,
Python, JavaScript
Most pages in this site will open at page top. These Bits pages open at their last scroll position. This makes it easier to compare code.
Bits_HelloCpp, Bits_DataCpp, Bits_ObjectsCpp, Bits_GenericCpp, Bits_IterCpp,
Bits_HelloRust, Bits_DataRust, Bits_ObjectsRust, Bits_GenericRust, Bits_IterRust,
Bits_HelloCSharp, Bits_DataCSharp, Bits_ObjectsCSharp, Bits_GenericCSharp, Bits_IterCSharp,
Bits_HelloPython, Bits_DataPython, Bits_ObjectsPython, Bits_GenericPython, Bits_IterPython,
Bits_HelloJavaScript, Bits_DataJavaScript, Bits_ObjectsJavaScript,
Bits_GenericTypeScript, Bits_IterTypeScript

Stories and Bites

Stories are sets of linked web pages that focus on one topic, e.g., Rust Story, C++ Story, and others listed below. They collect topic related resources from this site and build it into an ebook like story. Readers are presented a starting point and handed the story's content in an ordered sequence that provides instruction, diagrams, and exercises to help you gain proficiency with the topic. Bites are single pages that focus on one part of a story's content in greater detail or from a different perspective. All bites that relate to one of the stories are linked into an ordered collection of web pages that are easy to navigate. Most bites also have exercises.
Stories and Bites
Connected sequences of pages focused on one topic
Rust Story narrative discussion in 7 chapters, with examples and exercizes
Prologue, Models, Data, Operations, Structs, Libraries, References
Rust Bites Sequence of Bites, each focused on one Rust feature
Intro, Starting, Tooling, Safety, UndefBehavior, Data, FlashCards, Facts, Strings, DataStructs, SmartPtrs, LifeCycle, Ownership, Generics&Traits, Functions, Structs, LifeTime, Abstractions, Enumerations, ErrHandling, Options, Conversions, Collections, Iterators, Idiomatic code, Macros, Threads, Sync, Channels, RegEx, Hacks & Helpers, CodeExperiments, Glossary
Rust Animations Code examples using Rust Playground
RustPlaygroundExamples Glossary
BuildOn Code

TextFinder Implementation in Rust

Sequence of steps for guided implementation of modest size Rust project. See Design Bites for a brief tutorial for the BuildOn project. Each step below contains a specification and implementation for that step.
Intro, Step #0 - TF, Step #1 - Ts, Step #2 - DN, Step #3 - CP, Step #4 - Ex, Step #5 - RE, Step #6 - Par, DebuggingRust.pdf
Build-On.pdf, Build-On-2.pdf, Build-On-3.pdf, Build-On-4.pdf, Build-On-5.pdf, Build-On-6.pdf, Build-On-7.pdf
BuildOn-#1 Video, BuildOn-#2 Video, BuildOn-#3 Video, BuildOn-#4 Video, BuildOn-#5 Video, BuildOn-#6 Video
C++ Story narrative discussion in 13 chapters, with examples and exercizes
Prologue, Models, Survey, Data, Operations, Classes, Class Rel, Templates, TMP, Libraries, Streams, STL Libs, Interesting
C++ Bites Sequence of Bites, each focusing on one C++ feature
Intro, survey, core_memory, core_types, core_classes, core_templates, core_STL, Cpp11_auto, Cpp11_shared_ptr, Cpp11_range_based_for, Cpp11_move, Cpp11_lambdas, ...,
C# Bites Sequence of Bites, each focusing on one C# feature
Intro, Execution, Data, Operations, Objects, Generics, Refl & Iter, ...,
Other Stories Guest stories
MLips - Mike Corley, ∞ Data Library - Alexey Zaitsev
Basic Bites Short sequence of Bites focusing on platform and code basics.
Platform, Virt Memory, Scheduling, I/O, Sys Res, Prog'g, Exec, Safety, Platform API, Structure, Obj Model, Lifetime, Res Mgmt, Ownership
Design Bites Short sequence of Bites focusing on different aspects of software design, motivated by the BuildOn TextFinder project.
Intro, Motivation, Basic, Factored, DataFlow, TypeErase, PlugIn Design Phil.
Deployment Bites Short sequence of Bites focusing on deployment tools and activities.
Deployment Track Summary, git, github, containers, cloud platforms, progressive web apps
Idioms & Patterns
Sequence of code idioms showing code fragments comparing C++, Rust, C#. This content is being converted to Code Bits, above.
Tooling, Hello World, Hello Objects, Hello Libs Hello Data, Basic DIP, Generic DIP, Iteration,
Blogs Opinion pieces about software construction practices and artifacts.
First Things, SW Design, Design Principles OO Design Object Models Scopes and Global Data Concept Document SW Testing Summer Reading SW Structure Msg-Passing Comm Active Objects NoSql DB Source Code Parsing Code Analyzer M-ary Tree Graph Lib File System

Code Repositories

This site hosts more than 100 Repositories of code from several languages. The code is organized first by language, then by type, e.g., Utilities, Tools, Components, Libraries, Projects, and Demonstrations. Each repository page provides documentation for a github repository, describing its design structure, useage, and often sample output. That page links to the github repository so you can look at all of the code for that item.
Code Repositories
Collection of utilities, tools, components, libraries, projects, demos
Rust Reusable code and examples written in Rust ver. 1.49 or later
RustLogger, RustTextFinder, RustBlockingQueue, RustThreadPool, RustCmdLine, RustDisplayLib, RustDirNav, RustComm, RustCommWithThreadPool, RustCommExperiments, RustStringConversions, RustByteRecord, RustBasicDemos, RustErrorHandling, RustModels, RustLibraryDemos, RustStoryRepo, RustBiteByByte, IdiomsAndPatterns, BuildOn RustPlaygroundExamples
C++ Reusable code and examples written in C++ 20.
CppUtilities, FileUtilities, Testing, Logger, TextFinder, Duplicates, FileDates, FileSizes, FindFiles, CodeWebifier, PrettyPrint, CppBlockingQueue, FileManager, CppProperties, ThreadPool, CppNoSqlDb, Process, CppConcurrentFileAccess, CppLexicalScanner, ReTryWrapper, FileSystem, Sockets, XmlDocument, CppGraph, CppParser, CppCodeAnalyzer, CppCommWithFileXfer, CppHttpClientServer, CppBasicDemos, STR, CompoundObjects, ObjectFactories, TemplateTechniques, STL-Containers, IOStreams, CppThreads, ProcsAndThreads, Interop, CppModelsRepo, CppStoryRepo,
C# Code examples written in C# 9
Diff_WPF, CsBlockingQueue, CsNavigator, Concurrent File Access, CsGraph, CsParser CsXDocument, CsDependencyAnalysis, CsCommPrototype, CsRemotePluggableRepo, CsBasicDemos, Cs_WCF_Demos, Cs_WPF_Demos, CsProcess, CsPublisherSubscriber,
JavaScript Code demos
WebComponents, WebLibraries, SitePages, Site StoryTeller, WebComponent Tests
Other Repos Place for code that has no other place
CommCompare, DesignBites, IdiomsAndPatterns
    Links above this line point to things in this site.
    Links below this line point to things from other sites as well.
Rust - Learning Resources 
Suggested site content viewing order for Rust
Starter Trail Start, Tooling, Data, Facts, Data Str, Conversions, Collections, Safety, ErrHndlg, Options, Rust Libs, Rust Tour (pdf), Debugging Rust (pdf)
Intermediate Trail Rust Bites, Rust Story, Idioms & Patterns, BuildOn, Rust Models (pdf) Rust Error Handling (pdf)
Advanced Trail Rust Repositories, Comm Compare, Rust std library, Rust References
Selected Code Trail Rust playground Examples, std libs, Error Handling, Design Bites, ThreadPool, Comm Compare
Rust References Trail
Rust (Programming Language) - Wikipedia Well written summary of the Rust language.
Considering Rust - Feb 2020 - Jon Gjengset Great what-is-it video, with code snippets and a lot of mind setting conversation by a very knowledgable presenter.
What is Rust - Jun 2015 - Alex Crichton Fast-paced tour of Rust by one of the primary developers. Still very relevant.
Programming Rust Very well crafted physical book on Rust. Broad coverage, clear prose, lots of well thought-out diagrams. Highly recommended.
Little Book of Rust Books Excellent collection of web-based books about Rust. They start from basic self-teaching materials to quite advanced works for the experienced developer.
rust-learning Excellent collection of books, videos, and posts about Rust. Anthology with very large scope.
Rust Cheat-Sheet Extensive collection of well-organized code snippets, comments, and diagrams.
Tour of Rust Almost complete coverage of Rust in tiny steps, each with playground examples.
Rust std library Documentation for Rust std library - clear descriptions, examples, source code
Rust Anthology This is a somewhat out of date (2015) discussion of some of Rust's technical details that are otherwise found only in scattered posts.
Crates.io Rust community platform for sharing Rust code - widely used.
lib.rs An organized collection of Rust libraries, almost all from Crates.io.
References from this site
RustModels.pdf Presents ideas on which Rust is based.
Rust Story Narrative discussion of Rust Language and some of its libraries.
Rust Bites Small techical discussions of a single Rust topic.
Rust Story References Links to basic, intermediate, and advanced topics.
Computer Engineering
Software Engineering Design, Testing, UML, Software Structure Research,
Debug like Feynman, test like Faraday, Almost Rules
WASM, WASI WebAssembly video - Steve Klabnik,
WebAssembly Interface (WASI) - WebAssembly outside the Web video - Lin Clark
blogs mmapped.blog, morestina.net
YouTube playlists code.to.the(moon), No Boilerplate, intorust, Jim Fawcett
Computer Maintenance Personal Computer Security Basics, Windows Diagnostics
Operating system concepts See BasicBites MemoryMapping.pdf, Process.pdf, Windows.pdf, Win32Sockets.pdf
BuildOn Build-On.pdf, Build-On.pptx
Build-On-2.pdf, Build-On-2.pptx
Build-On-3.pdf, Build-On-3.pptx
Build-On-4.pdf, Build-On-4.pptx
Build-On-5.pdf, Build-On-5.pptx
Build-On-6.pdf, Build-On-6.pptx
Build-On-7.pdf, Build-On-7.pptx
Rust Language RustTourAbbrev.pdf, RustModels.pdf, RustErrorHandling.pdf
DebuggingRust.pdf, DebuggingRust.pptx
C++ Language CppModels.pdf, SurvivalGuide.pdf, ThreadsWinAndCpp11.pdf, Win32Sockets.pdf, iostreams.pdf, ClassRelationships.pdf, ClassesAndObjects.pdf, vtbl.pdf, Templates.pdf, STL.pdf, Software topics AsynchSys.pdf, SoftwareStructure.pdf, SoftwareStructureResearch.pdf, ProjectCenterUseCases.pdf, Site topics PublishingSourceCode.pdf, Other topics WindowsPresentationFoundation.pdf, WindowsCommunicationFoundation.pdf,
Rust BuildOn #1
- What is Rust? Omits, Changes, Requires, Supports
BuildOn #2
- Rust projects, Code samples, TextSearch
BuildOn #3
- TextSearch soln, Enums, Err Handling, Code samples, DirNav
BuildOn #4
- DirNav soln, CmdlnParser, iterators, idiomatic code
BuildOn #5
- CmdlnParser, integration, macros, VS Code dbg
BuildOn #6
- integration, RegEx, Interior Mutability
Comparing C++ vs Rust - part #1
- Ground rules for comparison
Comparing C++ vs Rust - part #2
- Project-based comparison
Comparing C++ vs Rust - part #3
- Conclusions
Introduction to Rust Models 
Ownership Model;
Object Model 
Rust Code Structure 
C++ C++ Models - Part 1, code structure
C++ Models - Part 2, compilation and execution
C++ Models - Part 3, memory and class models
C++ Models - Part 4, C++ object model
C++ Models - Part 5, Polymorphism
C++ Models - Part 6, templates
Site Publishing Code 
CSE681 - SMA Friday morning help session
Jim Fawcett YouTube playlists
Website Notes - ideas, fragments, potential beginnings Notes repo
Object Models, Beginner's Interface
Tech Links
RegEx Cheat Sheet - MDN Dense collection of regex syntax, no examples
RegEx Guide - MDN Lots of examples
PowerShell 7.1 a.k.a. PowerShell Core - overview. Runs on Windows 10, Debian Linux Distros, macOS
PowerShell Cheat Sheet Dense page of PowerShell helpers
Windows Subsystem for Linux Load a bare-bones distro from the Microsoft Store. Can add features with apt-get install.
Windows Terminal Tabbed terminal display from Microsoft Store supporting PowerShell, Cmd, Bash, Azure Cloud
X Server - github project, VcXsrv - SourceForge
Windows X Server - enables graphical applications like Nautilus in WSL
Interesting Talks and Sites
Talks, writing, non-tech Links to conferences, great presentations, blogs, writing advice, non-technical links.
Scaling Yourself Pragmatic take on being productive by Scott Hanselman of dotnet fame.
3Blue1Brown (videos),
3Blue1Brown website
Eclectic collection of math oriented videos by Grant Sanderson.
Map of Math (video) Narrated map of Mathematics - areas and ideas
Map of Computer Science (video) Narrated map of Computer Science - areas and ideas
Map of Physics (video) Narrated map of Physics - areas and ideas
Map of Quantum Physics (video)
Narrated map of Quantum Physics - areas and ideas
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