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Help: PowerShell

PowerShell commands for use in PowerShell terminal

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PowerShell is an interpreter and scripting engine in the PowerShell terminal, integrated in Visual Studio Code, available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It has many commands designed to work with the host operating system, like creating files and directories. Its pipelines pass dotnet objects, so it is much more than an administrative tool. We will focus here on terminal commands for managing projects in Visual Studio Code.
If you use the integrated PowerShell terminal (default for VS Code in Windows) this table will help you work productively from the command line.
Selection of frequently used PowerShell commands and options. To see all: use PowerShell -help
The left cell in each row contains a PowerShell command and commonly use aliases.
ls, dir, gci, Get-ChildItem list directory contents
syntax:  ls [options] [path]
options: -Force, -(R)ecurse, -Name, -File, -Directory, -Filter, -Include, -Exclude, -Depth, -Attributes
example: ls -Filter *.zip
display all zip files in current working directory
example: ls -Hidden
display all hidden files in current working directory
example: ls -File | Select-String "Rust" | Select-Object -First 10
display first ten files containing string "Rust" - may also use regex
example: ls -Path ..
display all files and directories in parent directory
cd, Set-Location change current working directory
example: cd ../PostDemos
sets sibling PostDemos as current working directory
pwd, gl, Get-Location display current working directory
rm, del, Remove-Item delete file or directory
syntax: rm [options]
options: -Include, -Exclude, -Confirm, -Force, -WhatIf
example: rm foodir
removes directory foodir
example: rm foo.txt
removes file foo.txt
cls, clear, Clear-Host clear contents of terminal
cat, type, gc, Get-Content display text representation of object on terminal
syntax: cat [options]
options: -Path, -(Head, H, First, TotalCount), -Tail, -Encoding, -Delimiter -Raw
example: cat index.html -TotalCount 10
write to pipeline, stdout, stderr
syntax: write [options]
options: -Object, -ForegroundColor, -BackgroundColor, ...
example: write-host -ForegroundColor green "this is a string" "and another" "and a final"
md, mkdir, New-Item create new directory
syntax: md [options]
options: -Name, -Path, -ItemType, -Value, -Force, -NoClobber, -Credential, -WhatIf, -Confirm
example: md foo -ItemType Directory
ni, New-Item create new object
syntax: ni [options]
options: -Name, -Path, -ItemType, -Value, -Force, -NoClobber, -Credential, -WhatIf, -Confirm
example: ni foobar.txt or ni -Name foobar.txt
creates file foobar.txt in current working directory
example: ni LinkToFoo -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target foo.txt
makes symbolic link to foo.txt
man, help, Get-Help show help text
syntax: man [options]
options: ls, cat, ...
example: man ls
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