Site Demo
Site Demo Page
Site navigation, thread navigation, and widgets
- Katharine Hepburn
Thread :A linked list of pages that form some topic-based group. Examples are the Home Group, illustrated in Figure 1., and stories and bites. -
Story :A thread that focus on a single broad topic, e.g., the Rust programming language. Think of a story as an ebook where each page is a chapter, like Rust Data. Stories attempt to give a fairly complete view of the story topic. -
Bites :A thread of pages each of which presents a small digestible discussion of some topic, e.g., each Rust bite discusses in detail, usually with examples, one specific feature of the Rust programming lanaguage, like safety. Think of these as taking digestible bites out of the Rust Story. The bite thread doesn't promise to cover the parent topic completely.
- Many of the images on pages in this site have that expandable behavior. It's implemented to try to get a good balance between viewing detailed text and viewing graphical information. The image starts out relatively small to give text precedence. But when you want to see the figure's details that is just a click or two away.
- This behavior was implemented using W3C "Web Component" technology (originated by Google). That's described in some detail in Shadow Dom 101.
- This site has a repository devoted to Web Components I've built including the one for resizeable images, used here.
- Gives a quick snapshot of all the topics in a thread, based on the page names.
- Allows a user to jump directly to another page in the thread rather than incrementing up or down the list with "Next" and "Prev" keys.