Rust Logger Repository
RustLogger code

RustLogger  Repository

Simultaneously log messages to console and file

Quick Status
Code functions correctly No known defects Demonstration code yes Documentation yes Test cases yes Static library yes Build requires Rust installation Planned design changes None at this time


Fig 1. Logger Output
RustLogger is a facility for inserting time-date stamped string messages into the console and a text file simultaneously. You can also select for console alone or text file alone.


There is one struct, Logger, with methods and several functions in this design: Methods:
  1. new() -> Self
    Create new Logger which has no attached file and writes to console.
  2. init(f:File, con:bool) -> Self
    Create new Logger attached to f and writes to console only if con is true.
  3. console(&mut self, con:bool)
    sets console writing to true or false.
  4. file(&mut self, f:File)
    Sets or resets log file f.
  5. opt(&mut self, f:Option<File>
    sets or resets Logger::fl to the option provided.
  6. open(&mut self, s:&str) -> bool
    Opens logger, truncating log file if it exists.
  7. open_append(&mut self, s:&str) -> bool
    Opens logger, appending to log file if it exists.
  8. ts_write(&mut self, s:&str) -> &mut Self
    Writes date_time stamp then string s to the log target(s).
  9. write(&mut self, s:&str) -> &mut Self
    Writes string s to the log target(s).
  10. close(&mut self)
    Closes logger by setting Logger::fl to the option None.
  1. open_file(s:&str, mode:OpenMode) -> Option<File>
    Opens file with OpenMode::Append or OpenMode::Truncate. Returns option that may be used with Logger::opt(f:Option<File>).
  2. file_exists(s:&str) -> bool
    Does this file exist?
  3. remove_file(s:&str) -> bool
    Delete file if it exists and has appropriate access.
  4. file_contains(fl:&str, ts:&str) -> bool
    Does the file named fl contain the string ts?
  5. file_contents(fl:&str)
    Display text file contents on console.


This is intended to be a very simple logger - easy to use and with virtually no setup or configuration.


Download and, in a command prompt, cargo build or cargo run.


There may be some changes after I start building bigger Rust applications.
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