CsGraph code
CsGraph Repository
Supports constructing and querying a directed graph
Quick Status
Code functions correctly
no known defects
Demonstration code
Test cases
none, but planned
Static library
no, but planned
Build requires
C# 7.0
Planned design changes
Add more demonstration code
1.0 Concept
Fig 1. Directed Graph Diagram
Graphs are very useful for capturing relationships, e.g., dependencies between packages.
This repository contains a class CsGraph
, where V is an application specific Vertex
class designed to hold whatever information a graph vertex needs, and E is an application
specific Edge class designed to hold whatever information a graph edge needs.
Fig 2. Comm Class Diagram
For example, if we are using a CsGraph to hold type information for a C# application,
V might hold class name, namespace, and file location. E would then hold class relationship
information, e.g., a destination Vertex, the other class in a class relationship, and the
relationship type: inheritance, composition, aggregation, or using, as shown in Fig 1. and Fig 2.
The intent of this design is to support Vertices and Edges that may contain information as data members.
For example, if we need to capture relationships between a set of classes, each vertex contains a class name and each edge contains a relationship type, e.g., inheritence, composition, aggregation, or using.
2.0 Design
Class CsNode<V, E> represents graph vertices. Each CsNode holds properties:
- List<pair<V,E>> children
- bool visited
- string name
- V nodeValue
And a class CsGraph<V,E> that contains properties:
- List<CsNode<V,E>> adjList - list of all the graph's nodes
- int startNode - index into adjList
- string name
and methods:
void walk() - DFS walk through graph starting at startNode
Operation<V,E> - user defined and applied to each vertex during walk
3.0 Build
All code was built with Visual Studio, Community Edition - 2019, and tested on Windows 10.