Deploy Git
DeployBites: Git Code Management
local and remote code management with init, status, add, commit, push, ...
1.0 Prologue
2.0 Git Code Management
Annotated Creation of git History
A Rust project directory tree was created with cargo for demonstrating git actions.
Figure 2. Rust Project -
The Rust project directory tree was initialized with "git init".
Figure 3. Git Repo Init -
If you place a file named .gitignore in the git repository root and name each file or folder
that you don't want tracked, that will avoid putting a lot of temporary files into the
Figure 4. .gitignore contents -
Figure 5 shows the current state of git's working tree. The git root,
demo1 contains a hidden directory.git that contains all of the repository's private working folders and files.Figure 5. git Repository Tree -
The files in demo1 were staged for commit with the command "git add -A".
Figure 6. Staging files with "git add -A" -
The files in demo1 were commited with
the command "git commit -m<commit #1>". That results in commit #1 on the default
"main" branch. That saves a snapshot of all changed files in the git repository.
Figure 7. Commit Files to git Repository -
The results of this first commit are shown by cargo run.
Figure 8. cargo run -
Next, we edit main.rs to display a new message and commit.
Figure 9. Edit main.rs and commit Figure 10. git log after second commit Figure 11. Compressed Log -
Created a new "test" branch:
Figure 12. Creating a new Branch Figure 13. Created Branch test Figure 14. Switch to test branch -
On branch test, factored out display.rs file, as new module.
Figure 15. Running refactored test -
git status shows the modified and new files.
Figure 16. git status after refactoring -
Now add and commit. The test code snapshot is shown in Figure 20.
Figure 17. add on test branch Figure 18. Commit #3 on test branch Figure 19. Latest git history Figure 20. Code on test Branch -
Switching back to main branch, git replaces code in working tree with that of main.
Figure 21. Switching to main branch Figure 22. Code on main Branch -
The git reflog display shows everything we've done so far.
Figure 23. Code on main Branch -
Now, we're ready to accept the test configuration and merge back into main.
Figure 24. Checking status before merging -
The command
git diff lets us evaluate conditions for merge.Figure 25. branch differences -
Here's the (successful) merge command.
Figure 26. git merge <src> <tgt> -
Now, one last edit to add comments to the merged files. Then add and commit.
Figure 27. Add comments, add, and commit on main branch Figure 28. Current git History Figure 29. Final Code with Comments
- Created a project directory tree with the Rust tool Cargo
- In the project directory, demo1, we initialized a git repository, then viewed git status, added the project files, and make the first commit, commit #1.
- Then modified the program's message text, added then commited to create commit #2.
- We created a test branch, and on that branch refactored the project code into a main.rs file and a module display.rs.
- That was added and commited to create commit #3.
- We were satisfied with the test change, so decided to merge test and main.
- The process consisted of making sure the working tree was clean, displayed a diff of the two branches, and then merged them.
- The last step was to clean up the merged code by adding comments.
It is important to commit any changes before adding or merging branches. Merges can fail and can be
successfully reverted only if everything was committed before the merge attempt.
3.0 Selected git Commands
Command | Description |
git init |
Create a git repository rooted at the current directory. The repositor's contents
are stored in a hidden |
git status |
displays any files or folders that have been created, modified, or deleted |
git add -A |
stages all changes for commit |
git commit -m"message" |
Captures a snapshot of all the current files in the working directory tree. |
git commit -m"message" -- <file1>, .. |
Captures a snapshot of one or more specific files in the working directory tree. |
git branch <name> |
Creates a branch site at the commit pointed to by Head. |
git checkout branchname |
Switches to the named branch, changing all code in the working tree to match the latest commit on that branch. This process is reversible. Before checkout commit to a clean working tree. |
git log [--graph | --oneline] |
Display all commits. The option --oneline provides a compact display with less
information. Option --graph shows a compressed graph with separate branches.
To view all relevant details use |
git reflog |
Display commits, checkouts, resets, ... |
git reset [--soft | --hard] <commit id> |
Moves Head backward in history to the named commit. That changes code in the directory tree to that of the named commit. The --soft option makes the original Head code unstaged, so that can be added and committed. The result is removing the intervening commits. The --hard option permanently deletes all additions, modifications, and deletions after the target commit. |
git diff <src branch> <tgt branch> |
Displays differences between code in those branches. Use this to set code for successful merges. |
git merge <src bran> <tgt bran> |
Attempts to merge code from the two branches. This may fail. If you committed
both branches to a clean state before merging, then the command "git reset --merge" will
return to the pre-merge state.
How does git merge work? |
git remote add <name> <url> |
Establishes connection string for push and pull commands. |
git push <remote name> <branch name> |
Pushes local changes to remote repository. |
git pull <remote name> <branch name> |
Pulls changes from remote repository. |
4.0 References
lat git-tutorial (github)
datacamp tutorial
getting-started-with-git (github)
How does git merge work?