Fig 1. CodeWebifier Output
1.0 Concept:
CodeWebifier converts source code text into an HTML fragment. That entails:
- Converting markup characters to their escape sequence equivalents
- Prepending <pre> and postpending </pre> tags
- Writing to console for subsequent copying
- That copy is then pasted into an HTML document
2.0 Design:
This is a very simple application with only a single project with App and Window packages.
It is implemented as a console application that creates a WPF GUI window used to select
files for webifying. That GUI uses a file dialog to find files for processing.
Note that is easy to do: just create a WPF C# application in Visual Studio, and in the
project properties page change the application from Windows Application to Console Application.
3.0 Build:
CodeWebifier was built with Visual Studio Community Edition - 2019 and tested on
Windows 10.
4.0 Status: