C++ Story Repo

C++ Story Repository


The C++ Story pulls together presentations on C++ syntax and semantics, and example code, to present a tutorial on the C++ programming language. Also provided are exercises at the end of most chapters. The story consists of 12 chapters on: basics of C++ syntax and semantics, classes, class relationships and their use to build compound objects, templates, template specialization, and template metaprogramming. The concluding chapters cover standard libraries and other interesting topics.

Chap 1. - Models

Chapter 1 focuses on C++ language syntax and semantics before classes. It discusses all the things C++ added to C, describes its type system, points to basic code examples to review, and ends with a discussion of C++ models for compilation, program execution, and use of memory. Finally, there are a set of exercises for you to test your skills. The exercises start out with simple requests with discussion about how you satisfy them. Later exercises require some design on your part.

Chap 2. - Language Survey

This page provides brief descriptions of the major C++ language features and a few of its many libraries. It also describes a few libraries that I built for CSE687 - Object Oriented Design class work.

Chap 3. - Data

C++ types, type qualifiers and type structures are presented first. That's followed by type system casts, new standard types (C++17), data initialization, and smart pointers. The last part covers building data structures with the STL library components.

Chap 4. - Operations

Chapter 4 focuses on manipulating data. First it covers type coercions, copy construction, copy assignment, functions, function pointers, methods, method pointers, functors, and lambdas. Next comes callable objects, passing function and method parameters and side effects, return values and return value optimization. The chapter concludes with STL algorithms and testing.

Chap 5. - Classes

Topics are basic classes, class methods with examples, building value types, and resource allocation. Next is class anatomy, a survey of a lot of moving parts, followed by compiler-generated methods. The chapter ends with examples of classes from the C++ Repositories.

Chap 6. - Class Relationships

The chapter starts with an overview of the four fundamental relationships: inheritance, composition, aggregation, and using. That is followed by object layout, and an important compound object layout demonstration. The chapter closes with inheritance, run-time polymorphism, and virtual dispatching, followed by two non-trivial examples.

Chap 7. - Templates

Template functions, and overloading start the chapter. Then type categories, type transformations, and substitution failure is not an error (SFINAE). The first part ends with examples. The second part focuses on template classes, class template parameters, and template class specialization. Chapter 7 ends with two practical examples.

Chap 8. - Template Metaprogramming

C++ template semantics require compiler computations as part of the build process. There is a functional language that directs these compile-time computations to build things like variadic functions and classes. This chapter begins with a simple example using that functional language. It continues with variadic functions, variadic classes, and both standard and custom compile-time entities and type traits. The chapter closes with compile-time selections and two examples.

Chap 9. - Libraries

Chapter 9 provides a quick summary of both standard and custom libraries via a table of links.

Chap 10. - Stream Libraries

Stream Libraries starts with a quick overview of the std::iostream library, continuing with streams formatting examples, and examples of stream operations for: standard file streams, filebuf, read-write, and string streams.

Chap 11. - STL Libraries

Starting with a quick overview of containers and their iterators, the chapter continues with containers, then Algorithms, and closes with examples.

Chap 12. - Other Interesting Topics

Chapter provides links for: C++ Patterns, declarative programming, templates, and a few other "odds and ends".

Code Contents:

This repository holds narrative and code examples used in the C++ story. Note:
All of the code here has been implemented using Visual Studio, so each item below has a visual studio project. Every one of them need the C++17 language option set. That should already be part of the project settings, but if something fails to compile, please check the language option.
  1. Chapter1-C++ Models
    • Chapter1-Structure Demo with two components and an executive. One of the components provides an interface and object factory.
    • Chapter1-MemoryModel Illustrates use of static, stack, and heap memory. Also illustrates stack based resource management.
    • Chapter1-Classes Develops small point class and demonstrates it is a value type.
  2. Chapter2-Survey
    • Chapter2-Survey Mostly small examples used to support Chapter2 discussions:
      Elementary examples of Arrays and Pointers, STL containers, new Optional type, casts, and template function overloads.
    • Chapter2-overloading Simple overloading demonstration that is repeated using std::optional type.
    • Chapter2-overriding Uses SWDev, Dev, TeamLead, and ProjectMgr classes to demonstrate overriding.
    • Chapter2-Person Class that models a person with stats properties.
  3. Chapter3-Data
    • Chapter3-Data Demonstratons of initialization, structured binding, float granularity
    • Chapter3-sizes Uses displayType function to explore sizes of fundamental and library types.
    • Chapter3-init Illustrates uniform initialization with many small examples.
    • Chapter3-STL (uses DirWalker) Illustrates quickly building interesting data structures using the STL containers and iterators.
  4. Chapter4-Operations
    • Chapter4-QuickExample Illustrates dispatching functions and callbacks
    • Chapter4-Coercion Illustrates narrowing and numeric conversions of fundamental types
    • Chapter4-CopyOperations demonstrates copy syntax and operation for fundamental types and structs
    • Chapter4-AssignmentOperations demonstrates assignment syntax and operation for fundamental types and structs
    • Chapter4-functions Illustrates functions, function pointers, methods, method pointers, functors, and std::invoke.
    • Chapter4-CallableObjects Illustrates functions, function pointers, methods, method pointers, functors, and std::invoke. Similar to Chapter3-functions but with different examples.
    • Chapter4-Logger Illustrates new logger design
    • Chapter4-ReturnValueOptimization Demonstrates how and when RVO works.
    • Chapter4-STL Demonstrates use of lambda with copy_if algorithm
  5. Chapter5-Classes
    • Chapter5-QuickExample Demonstrates tiny logger.
    • Chapter5-classes Demonstrates three variations of a point class used to discuss class-related design.
      Develops Anatomy class illustrating important class methods, e.g. Copy and move construction, copy and move assignment, destructor, etc.
  6. Chapter6-Class Relationships
    • Chapter6-QuickExample Demonstrates extending existing classes through inheritance.
    • Chapter6-ClassLayout Demonstrates how compound classes are layed out in memory.
    • Chapter6-Polymorphism Shows how virtual methods are bound to a derived class instance when invoked using a base class pointer or reference.
    • Chapter6-PeopleHierarchy A thorough walkthrough of the use and behaviors of class hierarchies.
  7. Chapter7-Templates
    • Chapter7-QuickExample Demonstrates lazy translation of templates.
    • Chapter7-CodeFragments Demonstrates class template specialization.
    • Chapter7-TemplateFunctions Basic syntax demo with overload resolution example.
    • Chapter7-TemplateClasses Basic syntax demo.
    • Chapter7-SFINAE Illustrates template function overload resolution.
    • Chapter7-TemplateSpecialization Logger with formatting and timer options.
    • Chapter7-TypeTransformation Illustrates type transformations when passed as arguments to a function. Uses Boost::type_index.hpp.
  8. Chapter8-Template Metaprogramming
    • Chapter8-QuickExample Shows how to display a std::tuple.
    • Chapter8-Display Developes very flexible functions for display using Template Metaprogramming. These were used throughout the CppStory chapters to show the effects of code constructs. This project uses custom type traits developed in Chapter7-TypeTraits (see below).
    • Chapter8-TemplateSpecialization Uses constexpr if to simplify demo logger from Chapter 6.
    • Chapter8-VariadicFunctions Presents several variadic function demonstrations.
    • Chapter8-VariadicMixins Defines derived class that gracefully accepts any finite number of mixin base classes.
    • Chapter8-VariadicClassComp Defines class that gracefully accepts any finite number of member type instances.
    • Chapter8-FoldExpression Illustrates variadic folding over binary operators.
    • Chapter8-CustomTypeTraits Illustrates simple construction of type traits. Will fail if user supplies template arguments that have defaults.
    • Chapter8-TypeTraits Demonstrates the construction of, with a bit more effort, very strong trait operations that deal well with defaulted arguments.
  9. Chapter9-Libraries
  10. Chapter10-Streams
  11. Chapter11-STL
    • Chapter11-STL_Demos Demonstrates containers, iterators, and algorithms
    • Chapter11-ModifiedSTL_Demos Demonstrates making STL code more readable by hiding iterators and more.


Built using Visual Studio Community addition - 2019, with C++17 option. Tested on Windows 10.


More code will be placed here. That is a continuing process that won't complete until the end of 2019.
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