BasicBites - Introduction
Platform, Programming, and Object Models
Contents Note
Many parts of this site could be usefully improved by injecting sets of Example/Post-Mortem
- Provide an interesting example with illustrated structure and results
- Simply, clearly explain its working parts
- show how they fit together
- make a very short video to cover example
For example, Program Execution could present a timer
program that loads a library and times calls into its functions and methods. Provide a diagram
that shows the relationship between the timer, the loaded library, and other functionality, like I/O.
Show a few results. Then quickly and simply analyze the parts in the context of Program Execution,
as presented in that page. This would benefit greatly from
a side-by-side comparison of the example executed in C++, Rust, and C#.
Adding a 5-10 minute video relating to each example might improve accessibility.
Obviously there is tension between this restructuring and adding new content related to .Net, Webasssembly,
GUIs, ...
Table - Basic Models
Platform Models | Contents |
OS Platforms | Platform family tree - Posix, Unix, macOS, Linux, Windows |
Work Scheduling | Scheduling windows threads and Linux processes |
Virtual Memory | pages and memory mapped files |
I/O and Events | Raw input queue, message queues, IO completion |
Kernel objects, naming and sharing | |
Program Models | Contents |
Programming | Programming language models effect performance, safety, and visibility |
Program Execution | Processes, Threads, unmanaged and managed code execution |
Types | Value and Reference types, aliases, strong types |
Functions | Functions, methods, lambdas |
Code Safety | managing references and allocations |
Program Structure | functions, packages, libraries, executables, systems |
Platform APIs | System-wide shared programming interface |
Object Models | Contents |
Introduction | Object model determines instance lifetiime, location, management of resources |
Instance lifetime | Time from creation to destruction, focusing on how and when destruction occurs |
Resource Management | Allocating and disposing of resources used by objects |
Ownership | Code safety is determined by object ownership policies |
Model Summaries | Models affect performance, safety, and implementation convenience |
Native Code | One compilation phase for each component at build time, component responsible for managing all resources it needs. |
Managed Code | Compiles to byte code at build time, then "jitted" at load and run time. Virtual machine handles a lot of the component's resources. |