1.0 Concept
The std::iostream libraries provide stream interfaces for reading and writing to the console, files,
and stringstreams. The iostream class hierarchy is rooted at std::ios, a class for managing formats,
error states, and stream buffers.
std::streambuf connects a C++ program with the console, std::filebuf connects
to files, and std::stringbuf connects to in-memory strings through a stream interface.
std::istream, std::ifstream, and std::istringstream provide interfaces for programs to use
ios and read from filebufs in a simple way. Similarly, std::ostream, std::ofstream, and
std::ostringstream provide an interface to use ios and write to filebufs.
These classes do not provide any virtual functions, but
if you need to modify a stream's behaviour you can do that by overriding virtual functions
in the streambuf classes.
2.0 Contents
This repository contains demonstration codes that illustrate:
Formatting stream outputs.
Typical file input-output operations.
Programming filebufs for the same kind of input-output operations.
Typical usage for stringstreams.
Setting up a stream for both read and write operations.
3.0 Build
IOStreams code was built with Visual Studio Community Edition - 2019 and tested on Windows 10.
4.0 Resources
Quick description of the std::iostream hierarchy.
Complete description of the interfaces for ios and each of the iostream, and streambuf classes