RustStory References
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Chapter 6. - Rust Story References

Rust Docs, Cargo, Getting Started, Cheats

5.0 References

There are a lot of references here. A few I've read in detail, many are here because I found in them useful material via web search. Some I think will be useful and await attention. A nice quick summary of Rust facilities is given in a Glossary of Terms.
Reference Link Description
Rust (Programming Language) - Wikipedia Well written summary of the Rust language.
Considering Rust - Feb 2020 - Jon Gjengset Great what-is-it video, with code snippets and a lot of mind setting conversation by a very knowledgable presenter.
RustModels.pdf Presents ideas on which Rust is based.
Rust Story Narrative discussion of Rust Language and some of its libraries.
Starting Links to mostly basic materials
Little Book of Rust Books Excellent collection of web-based books about Rust. They start from basic self-teaching materials to quite advanced works for the experienced developer.
Tour of Rust Broad coverage of Rust in tiny steps, each illustrated with a playground example.
easy_rust Gentle start, covers a large part of the language in very readable text. Will make a good reference.
Rust syntax guide Quick survey of the Rust syntax - no drill down.
A half-hour to learn Rust Code fragments with commentary that cover most of the Rust ideas.
Simple introduction to Rust macros Concept synopsis with examples.
JavaScript Developer's Cheatsheet for Rust Surprising similarities in some aspects.
Effective Rust First thing to read after the very basic introductions - a collection of important idioms and best practices with clear explanations.
Possible Rust Several blog posts on Rust idioms
Blog on pattern matching Illustrates power of Rust Enums
Rust Ecosystem Surveys almost the entire Rust scene
Rustlings Lots of code examples and exercises
Afternoon Rusting Several interesting blogs about Rust fundamentals
Rust Language in a Nutshell #1, #2, #3 Peeks at several parts of the language
Brief Introduction to Rust Quality material supplemented with some nice diagrams.
Five Rust Things Useful things to know.
Rust & the Machine How does it work point of view.
Rust: the Hard Parts A reasonable example of the "How I learned to be productive in Rust"
intorust.com A few short screen casts - Nicholas Matsakis, ...
readrust.net/getting-started Nice set of "first-look" posts.
rust-learning repository Extensive list of resources: books, videos, podcasts, ...
A Gentle Introduction To Rust A good walkthrough most of the Rust ideas.
The Rust Programming Language Long but gentle walkthrough of the Rust Language
RIP Tutorial on Rust Comprehensive coverage from RIP, the stackoverflow archive
Learning Rust ebook Comprehensive coverage from RIP, stackoverflow archive
Rust - Awesome Book lots of interesting discussions from RIP, the Stackoverflow Archive
rust-lang.org home page Links to download and documentation
Rust basic demos A series of code demos I've written to learn Rust.
Getting Started with Rust on Windows and Visual Studio Code Install Rust, Verify, Configure Visual Studio Code, Create Hello World, Create Build Task, Configuring Unit Tests, Configure Debugging,
Rust by Example Rust docs - walkthrough of syntax
Rust Cookbook Rust docs - a collection of example projects using the Rust libraries and external crates
The Rust Reference Book Rust's approximation of a language standard. Clear and well written, with a glossary at the end. Its github site shows that changes are still being actively incorporated.
An alternative introduction to Rust Steve Klabnik
Rust pain-points Steve Donovan
Functional Programming in Rust Sylvain Kerkour
12 Rust Libraries you should try Dotan Nahum
Graphical depiction of ownership and borrowing in Rust Great portal on the way to understanding Rust Ownership.
Wrapper Types in Rust Choosing your guarantees.
Temporary shared mutation Interior mutability.
Rust Hack without Fear! (video) Niko Matsakis discusses Rust ideas - very nice discussion of ownership - and quick views into libraries like Rayon.
Rust Concurrency Explained (video) Contains some small relatively simple examples.
Case for Oxidation (video) Toward end of video there is a nice introduction to Rust concurrency and Rocket web server framework.
Rust and WebAssembly Compiling Rust to WebAssembly.
rust cheat sheet Extensive list of cheats and helpers. You need familiarity with Rust before using this.
The Rust Reference Surprisingly readable language reference.
The Cargo Book Rust package manager documentation.
Rust examples processing cargo run --example hello
The Rustc Book Rust compiler documentation
Rust Anthology Clear commentary on a lot of the Rust ideas - incomplete but very worth your time.
Rust API Guidelines Idioms, Patterns, and Anti-Patterns
Idiomatic Rust Links to many interesting topics.
Rust Patterns Idioms, Patterns, and Anti-Patterns
State Machine Pattern Using type system effectively
Elements of Rust Filling in the gaps.
References and Sharing Interpreting & and &mut - beyond immutable and mutable
await a minute async/await
Rustic Bits "Some small things that make for rustic code" - Llogiq on stuff
idiomatic rust conversions From<T>, Into<U>, AsRef<T>, AsMut<T>
rust collections Vec, VecDeque, LinkedList, HashMap, BTreeMap, HashSet, BTreeSet, BinaryHeap
Rust std Rust standard library - crate std: Primitive types, modules, macros, keywords
rust std::result Ok(T), Err(E)
rust std::option Some(x), None
Extension Traits Using Rust traits to build extension functions
Rust, Generics, and Collections Alexis Beingessner
Peeking inside trait objects Huon Wilson
Finding closure in Rust Huon Wilson
Associated types Rust by Example
The Common Rust Traits Rustifications
Tour of Rust's std lib traits Extensive summary
Crates.io Third-party crates, organized by new | most downloaded | just updated, github.com/rust-lang
lib.rs Third-party crates, organized by function, Kornelski
crate publishing guidelines and tips Naja Melan
Rust Nomicon The official guide for writing unsafe blocks.
Crate filedescriptor Access to platform level RawFd and RawHandle types.
Crate Singleton Description of a crate providing unshared and shared global state.
rust sync Arc, Barrier, Condvar, mpsc, Mutex, Once, RwLock
atomics and memory ordering How atomics work
https://crates.io public registry for crates
hyper http client and server hyper guides
Blog Description where that makes sense
Blog list Lots of links, most quite interesting.
Pascal Hertleif blog Infrequent, but very good blog posts.
Steve Klabnik blog Infrequent, but very good blog posts.
Karol Kuczmarski blog Infrequent, but very good blog posts.
Llogiq on stuff - Andre Bogus blog Lots of interesting blogs - frequent new material
Understanding Over Guesswork Summary of Rust attributes.
Other Stuff
Rust Community Forum Users forum, Internals forum, Chat platforms
RustConf - 2019 Slides and videos
That's all Folks! The answer is 42
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