STL-Containers Repo
STL-Containers Repository
Simple demonstrations of all the STL containers
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structured initialization
1.0 Contents
arrayindexable container for a fixed number of items, has size() method
dequecontainer with push_front, pop_front, push_back, pop_back methods
listdoubly-linked list
mapordered associative container for key-value pairs
native arraylanguage defined array that uses global methods to simulate STL operations
queueFIFO container with push, pop, front, and back methods
setordered associative container for keys
singleListsingly-linked list
stackLIFO container with push and pop methods
stringcontainer of characters with STL operations
unordered_maphashed container of key-value pairs
unordered_sethashed container of keys
vectorindexable sequence container with push_back and pop_back methods