Deployment Track Summary

Deployment Track Summary

git, github, containers, cloud services, progressive web apps

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Bites Index git Recipes for basic configuration management operations with git github Using github platform and actions to implement continuous integration containers Build production environment for application development cloud shows how to create account, allocate resources, and deploy to cloud PWA Deploying application as a web app    
Deployment: "The act of moving something or someone into a strategic position or a position of readiness."
- Dictionary.com

This Track is under construction Software deployment makes software services, applications, projects and repositories available to specific sets of users, e.g.
  • Deployed service is made available to all connected agents that know the path to the service. That may require an access token. Azure DevOps
  • Deployed application is made available to all network connected agents which have to authenticate to access all but basic services. Outlook.com
  • Deployed project is made available to all registered project members through some platform like github. Project TBD
  • Repository is made available to every user logged into the platform holding the repository. Access is usually read-only but allows cloning to the user's environment. Rust ThreadPool
Deploying software artifacts requires knowledge of the deployment infrastructure and, in some cases, a usage fee.

Benefits of Deployment

  • Enable large numbers of users to take advantage of your work.
  • Instantly make functional and sequrity updates, available to all users.
  • Support storage and retrieval of user's information in deployed applications.
  • Provide quick turn-around for collaboration. With appropriate setup and tools, that supports continuous integration and testing of new and modified software components.
In summary, deploying software artifacts requires significant investment to learn the appropriate deployment infrastructre, but provides very large benefits for usability, and supports processes that would not be possible otherwise.

Deployment Bites

Development and Assembly of material for this topic is just beginning. Treat the items after "DeployBite_git" as an "alpha-spec" for things to come.
These Deployment Bites provide basics and some intermediate material for practical deployment processes:
  • DeployBite_git provides basic recipes for often used Configuration Management operations using git.
    1. local configuration management
    2. summary of git commands: status, commit, push, and pull
    3. create and use branches, diff, merge
  • DeployBite_github describes continuous integration (CI) using the github platform and user defined repositories.
    1. remote configuration management in github repository
    2. create account, add repositories, remote operation, push, pull, pull request
    3. documentation in Readme.md
  • DeployBite_PowerShell provides basic recipes for PowerShell scripts useful for deployment
    1. shell, cmdlets, scripts, functions, and modules
    2. pipeline for orchestrating: linting, formating, building, testing, and deployment
    3. a few recipes for common searching, sorting, and formatting operations
  • DeployBite_containers shows how to provide a deployable production environment so developers work directly with the delivery platform facilites.
    1. encapsulate environment for development and publishing
    2. create account, add libraries, remote operation, push, pull, pull request
    3. documentation
  • DeployBite_cloud illustrates mechanisms for deploying applications from a cloud platform.
    1. deploy applications from third party platform, e.g., Azure, AWS, google
    2. create account, add applications, test functionality, publish
    3. documentation
  • DepployBite_PWA discusses the technology used by Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) and illustrates with examples how to deploy an application as a PWA.
    1. deploy applications as web apps for desktop, laptop, and phone use
    2. summarize technologies, e.g., development to google spec, C#
    3. documentation
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