Rust Glossary
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Index of Rust Terms

definitions and links

Term Definition Page Code
Arc<T> Atomic reference Counted smart pointer RustBites_SmartPtrs playground
Array[T;N] Indexable array of elements stored in contiguous block RustBites_DataStr playground
Assign Copy blittable data or move non-blittable data stored in a named location RustBites_Data DataOperations
Bind Allocate memory and bind identifier to value stored there RustBites_Data DataOperations
Blittable Data residing in one contiguous block of memory. RustBites_Data
Borrow Bind reference to an existing value RustBites_Data playground
Box<T> Smart pointer to value stored in heap RustBites_SmartPtrs playground
Clone Explicity copy of non-blittable type RustBites_Data playground
Closure Function object operating on input parameters and captured local data RustBites_Functs playground
Copy Implicit copy of blittable type RustBites_Data playground
Drop End binding of an identifier to a location, release resources RustBites_Data
Function Named code block that may accept parameters and return value RustBites_Functs
Generics Function or struct with type parameter(s) RustBites_Traits
Map<K, V> hashed container of key/value pairs RustBites_DataStr playground
Move Change ownership of a non-blittable value, e.g., bind new name to value RustBites_Data playground
Mutate Alter value stored in a named memory location RustBites_Data
Ownership Owner is identifier bound to a value - Rust allows only one. Responsible for dropping value when going out of scope. RustBites_Ownrs playground
Rc<T> Reference Counted smart pointer RustBites_SmartPtrs playground
RefCell<T> Smart pointer with interior mutability RustBites_SmartPtrs playground
Set<T> hashed container of elements all of same type RustBites_DataStr
String Iterable collection of utf-8 characters RustBites_DataStr playground
Struct{a:T1, b:T1, ...} Collection of heterogeneous types, accessed by name RustBites_DataStr playground
Trait Constraint on generic parameter, similar to interface. Declares one or more functions that instances of bound types must implement. RustBites_Traits
Tuple(T1, T2, ...) Collection of heterogeneous types, accessed by position RustBites_DataStr playground
Vec<T> Indexable collection of values all of same type RustBites_DataStr playground
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