RustDirNav Repository
RustDirNav code

RustDirNav  Repository

DFS visitation of directory

Quick Status version 1.1.0 Code functions correctly No known defects Demonstration code yes Documentation yes Test cases coming soon Static library yes Build requires Rust installation Planned design changes None at this time

Fig 1. Directory Navigator Types
Fig 1. Directory Navigator Output


RustDirNav is a facility for Depth-First-Search (DFS) of specified directory tree. It uses a generic parameter to provide application specific do_dir and do_file operations.


There is one struct, DirNav<App>, with methods and functions implementing this design: Methods:
  1. new() -> Self
    Create new DirNav which has visit method for recursive DFS.
  2. add_pat(&mut self, s&str) -> Self
    Add pattern to match file extension. Can be chained.
  3. visit(&mut self, p:&Path)
    Walks directory tree rooted at path p, looking for files matching pattern(s).
  4. recurse(&mut self, p:bool)
    Sets or resets option to recurse directory tree.
  5. hide(&mut self, p:bool)
    Sets or resets option to hide directories with no target contents.
  6. get_app(&mut self) -> &mut app
    Retrieves reference to embedded application, set with generic parameter.
  7. get_dirs(&self) -> usize
    Retrieves the number of directories entered
  8. get_files(&self) -> usize
    Retrieves the number of files processed.
  9. get_patts(&self) -> &SearchPatterns
    Retrieves vector of patterns.
  10. clear(&self)
    Returns DirNav<app> to its initial state.
The DirEvent trait constrains the App generic parameter to supply do_dir and do_file methods that define what the application will do when the navigator encounters a new directory or file.
pub trait DirEvent { fn do_dir(&mut self, d: &str); fn do_file(&mut self, f: &str); }
The DirNav package provides a demonstration of the library in its /examples/test1.rs file. For the demo, test1 simply displays each directory once, and all of the files in that directory. The App type is defined by implementing the DirEvent trait, which may contain data members. The lib.rs file defines all of the DirNav processing and, in its tests section, defines an ApplTest type that implements DirEvent and contains a vector that will hold each of the files found during test, so we can verify its operation.


See Test1.rs in examples folder for typical usage.


Download and, in a command prompt, cargo build or cargo run.


Version 1.1.0
Tested on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu Linux
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