
Interesting Topics and People

"We dance around in a ring and suppose. But the Secret sits in the middle and knows."
- Robert Frost, poet

1.0 Introduction

On this page you will find links that I would like to share with you, referring to topics and people I find interesting. Not all of the links are technical, although most are. These all refer to topics or people that I think are especially thoughtful and useful, so the list is rather short (although few of my lists stay that way). There is no particular organization other than separating Technical items from Non-Technical.
Technical Links Topic
Functional Programming Excellent overview of functional programming, using Clojure, by Russ Olsen presented at the Goto; 2018 conference. Very clear introduction of the core ideas and mechanisms.
Goto; conference videos Goto; conferences for software developers with scope across the development spectrum
CppCon conference videos CppCon is an annual conference devoted to the evolution and features of C++, focusing mostly on code conforming to the current and upcoming language standards.
VS Code for C++ Tara Raj presents a brief discussion and demonstration of the latest Visual Studio Code emphsizing C++ development. Demos include using Windows System for Linux (WSL) and remote development.
Soonish podcasts by Wade Roush A series of audio podcasts most of which focus on some aspect of current technology, created and narrated by a technical historian.
Hub & Spoke aggregates interesting podcasts
goodreports site devoted to alternate web tools
David Pogue's Website David Pogue is a great speaker and author. This site has some very interesting content - see next link.
Simplicity Sells - David Pogue This is a TED Talk given by David Pogue. Don't miss it!
Time saving tech tips - David Pogue This is another interesting TED Talk given by David Pogue.
Unsung Science podcasts - David Pogue A series of podcasts about quirky technology bits.
Building Components - google.com
Intro to Web Components - CSS-TRICKS
Web Components - MDN
Web Components are (often UI) Widgets with encapsulated HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The idea is that we use custom widgets simply by including their markup on a page, e.g., <my-widget>.
Solving 11 likely problems in your multithreaded code. Interesting article by Joe Duffy - MSDN
Journal of Open Source Software I have no idea how useful this is. It's here to remind me to check it out.
Many of these came from Andrzej Krzemieński's blog.
foonathan::blog(), Eli Benderski, The Clean Code Blog, Tania Rascia, Tania's recommended, Get started with ECMAScript 6, New C++17 features, Microsoft vcblog, Dawid Pilarski, Bartlomiej Filipek, Andrzej Krzemieński, alfps, C++ Truths, Sutter's Mill, eric Niebler, Fluent {C++}, Functional C++, isocpp.org, Marshall's C++ Musings, Meeting C++, Musing Mortoray, Microsoft C++ Team Blog, Preshing on Programming, Simplify C++!, Tales of ++,
CMake Scripting CMake Script tutorial
mingw-w64 Installing gcc on windows
warp bubble Microscale space-warping bubble
"This man could rule the world" Network analysis and control - Popular Science article
Writing and Presentation Comments
Prune that Prose
Requires free subscription to Chronicle.com
Simplify without dumbing down, remove non-essential, use simple clear prose
The Art of the Elevator Pitch (pdf) State your idea, goals, means, needs in 1 minute
Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs
Nicely presented discussion of some really good techniques.
Non-Technical Links Comments
Heather Cox Richardson Columns by a Historian, providing thoughtful essays on current political events within our nation's historical context.
Fareed Zakaria Columns by a very bright, well informed political commentator.
Peter Frankopan's Website Peter Frankopan is the author of "The New Silk Roads", one of a sequence of extraordinarly well written books about the growth of culture and economies in the middle east. I've included a link to his website both because of who he is and what he has done, but also because it is an very nice example of good site design. Make sure you check out his blog.
window-swap See the view out someone's window all over the world.
Hokusai woodblock Interesting analysis of a Japanese woodblock by a Master
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