WebDev Track Summary

WebDev Track Summary

HTML, JavaScript, CSS, widgets

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Bite Index Track Summary Summary of the WebDev Track - Just starting, more content to come Technology Survey Technologies for static sites: HTML, CSS, & JavaScript Show Diagram Show diagram in popdown by clicking [show ...] JavaScript Messaging Send JavaScript messages between host and iframe HTML Markup controlling content of web pages. CSS Cascading Style Sheets for styling web pages. JavaScript Script hosted by browser for local processing. JavaScript DOM API Interface for programming the Document Object. JavaScript messaging messages to and from iframes Query string processing Use query strings to exit from iframe to page last displayed in iframe Web Components W3C standard web components: description with examples Splitter Bar Splitter bar based-UI for Bits pages. Photo-Sizer block Resizeable photos and diagrams. Dropdown Image clickable [show diagram] Dropdown Menus Nestable drop down menus
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
- Thomas Edison

WebDev track documentation is just starting with a few pages. It needs:
  • Content from the Survey page factored into Bites
  • Documentation of widget prototypes
  • Basic concepts discussion
  • References including these WebNotes
The WebDev track focuses on basic technologies for building static web pages1. Those are: HTML, CSS, and Javascript, with some W3C web components thrown in. There are a lot of other interesting technologies for building server generated pages like ASP.net, Blazer pages, and Entity Framework. Those are topics for another time.
  1. Static pages are served without modification. Their UI can appear as dynamic as any server-based pages through the use of JavaScript, CSS, and web components, but their content is not affected by user interactions.
    They can't provide functionality that depends on server-side processing, e.g., save user information in persistant databases, accept payments, etc.
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