WebDev Survey
WebDev Code

WebDev Survey

definitions, tutorials, references, understanding, building things

Web Development Survey:

  1. Core Technologies
    General Resources
    Standards All Standards and Drafts - W3.org
    HTML Living Standard
    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) specifications, CSS specification - MDN
    JavaScript (ECMA-262) specification, ECMA-262 - Javascript.info
    Books Bulletproof Web Design, The Zen of CSS, DOM Scripting: JavaScript and the DOM
    Transcending CSS
    Beginning JavaScript Development with DOM Scripting and Ajax
    Discusses both standard JavaScript as well as browser inconsistencies, and work-arounds.
    How to code in HTML5 and CSS3
    Eloquent JavaScript - the book, Re-intro to JavaScript - MDN
    Tutorials Tutorials - MDN, w3shools, TutorialRepublic References, tutorialspoint library
    References MSDN, W3schools.com, MDN, htmldog.com
    Microsoft Documentation
    .Net Core Guide, Introduction to Asp.Net Core - MSDN, Asp.Net Core Documentation - MSDN
    Definition HTML ver 5.2 specification HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a language for structuring content on a web page. It is based on Elements that have opening and closing tags and bodies with content.
      <htmltag>              <!-- any of the standard html tags, e.g., div -->
        <custom-childtag>    <!-- a user defined tag with some semantic meaning -->
          "literal text"
    • An element body, everything between opening and closing tags, may consist of text or markup or both.
    • The HTML5 standard requires that all custom tags are hypenated, as shown above, to avoid clashes with future standard tags.
    HTML elements are divided into two groups: in-line and block. These categories determine how rendering flow appears on a web page.
    • inline-elements flow horizontally from page left to right
      span, a, br, strong, sub, sup, del, ...
    • block elements flow vertically from page top to bottom
      html, body, head, header, script, style, main, footer, section, svg, img,
      table, tr, th, td,
      pre, code, div, p, h1, ... h6, ol, ul, li, nav,
      form, iframe, input
    HTML pages are usually structured like this:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
            /*-- linked and inline styles go here --*/
            <!-- linked and inline scripts go here -->
          <!-- content markup goes here -->
            <!-- inline scripts that run at load time go here -->
    Tutorials Tutorial - w3schools.com, Tutorial - tutorialspoint.com, Introduction - MDN, HTML5 Tutorial
    References HTML5 Reference - w3schools.com, HTML Reference - MDN, htmlreference.io
    HTML tag reference, HTML global attributes, HTML event attributes
    HTML5 Tags - tutorialspoint.com
    Understanding html5test.com, html5-demos run with Chrome, HTML5 Canvas demos
    Semantic Markup Pragmatic value of semantic markup
    Building Things FileSystem APIs - html5rocks.com, FileSystem - MDN, Intro to File and Directory Entries API - MDN, File API - w3.org
    Definition Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3) specifications, CSS3 specification - MDN
    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) provide a declarative language for specifying styles to apply to HTML elements. Each style is a list of key-value pairs. Styles are applied based on selectors that identify particular HTML elements or classes of elements. Style Sheets are collections of styles of the form:
      selectors { style-property : value; ... }
      example: body { padding:5%; background-color: #ddd; }
    Selectors are combinations of:
      htmltags:         body, div, span, img, ...
      custom-tags:      nav-keys, spacer-10, ... 
      .classnames:      .indent, .undent, .photo, ...
      #idnames:         #placeHolder, #mastheadPhoto, ...
      psuedo-classes:   a:link, a:hover, ...
      psuedo-elements:  p::first-letter, p::first-line, ...  
      attributes:       [attr], [attr=value], ...
    Selectors can be combined:
      s1, s2, ...      applied to s1 and s2 and ...
      s1 s2            applied to s2 if it has s1 ancestor
      s1 > s2          applied to s2 if it has s1 parent
      s1 + s2          applied to s2 if it has adjacent sibling s1
      s1 ~ s2          applied to s2 if it has sibling s1
      ol, ul { margin-top:10px; margin-bottom: 10px; }  // all ordered and unordered lists
      div li { background-color: #dddddd; }             // all list items with div ancestor 
      div.indent > p { color: #333333; }                // all paragraphs that are children
                                                        //   of div with class indent
    Note: If any part of a style specification is invalid, the whole specification is invalid and will not be applied to it's selectors. So styles can silently fail.
    Tutorials Tutorial - w3schools.com, Intro to CSS - MDN, Tutorial - tutorialspoint.com, CSS Tutorial - w3.org
    References CSS Reference - w3schools.com, CSS Reference - MDN, cssreference.io, CSS - tympanus.net
    Understanding units of measure - W3C
    Box Shadow, Introduction to CSS Shapes
    Learn CSS Grid, CSS-Tricks Snippets
    Guide to Flexbox
    Learn CSS Grid, CSS Grid by Example, Complete Guide to Grid, Things I learded reading the CSS Grid Spec , The CSS Fractional Unit (fr)
    Building Things CSS dropdown menus, Hoverable Dropdown, Dropdown menu - w3schools.com
    Simple manual slide show - w3schools.com, Auto play slide show
    Miscellaneous CSS user-select, Css display property, HTML DOM parentElement property
    Libraries Prism, Bootstrap, Normalize, purecss.io, Bulma
    frameworks Foundation
    Definition JavaScript (ES6) specification A programming language based on objects composed of key-value pairs. Keys are names, and values may be a function (pointer), a literal, or another object.
    Figure 1. Object Prototype Chain
    JavaScript uses a prototype model to support specialization. If a function call can't be resolved on an object, function lookup walks up the object's prototype chain.
    Jim = {

    Figure 2. JavaScript Execution Engine
    When a JavaScript function is called its context (a JavaScript object) is loaded into an Execution Stack. When an event fires the context of its event handler function is enqueued in an Event Message Queue. Handlers don't execute until all functions have completed. Then, its context is loaded into the Execution Stack for processing.
    Books and Blogs Eloquent JavaScript - the book
    Re-intro to JavaScript - MDN
    Tutorials Tutorial - javascript.info, Tutorial - javascripttutorial.net, Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks.org,
    References Reference - MDN, Reference - javascript-reference.info, Reference - w3shools.com, quirksmode.org
    Understanding ES6 Syntax and Features - taniarascia.com
    Understanding Classes, Understanding Events, How to use Object Methods
    Details of the Object Model - MDN
    Beginners guide to variables and datatypes
    Understanding the DOM - taniarascia.com
    ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points
    You don't know JavaScript
    Fetch API - replaces XMLHttpRequest,
    JavaScript Templating without a Library
    Transducers - Data Processing Pipelines
    Building Useful Things Building a Collection Object
    Technical Details JavaScript jit, Just in time compilers, Mozilla's JavaScript engine,
    Execution Context, Understanding Execution, Order of execution,
    Details of the object model
    Memory model, Call Stack
    Common JavaScript operations createElement, addEventListener querySelector
    JavaScript DOM API
    Definition The Document Object Model (DOM) is a linked tree structure generated when an HTML page is loaded. Each element of the HTML is represented by a JavaScript Node object that is linked to its child elements and is linked by its parent element.
    The DOM provides bindings to a JavaScript Application Programmer's Interface (API) consisting of functions that create, find, alter, and delete nodes in the DOM tree.
    As soon as any change is made to the DOM tree's nodes that part of the tree is re-rendered and displayed. That makes JavaScript processing very responsive.
    Figure 1. HTML DOM Tree

    DOM methods

    Method Description
    document.getElementById("anid"") Returns node object of element with id="anid" if found, else null.
    Note: ids should be unique. If not unique, returns first found.
    document.getElementByTagName("div") Returns list of node objects that are divs, if any found, else null.
    document.getElementByClassName("darkItem") Returns list of node objects with class darkItem, if any found, else null.
    document.querySelectorAll("div.tight") Returns list of node objects that are div's with class tight if any, else null.
    document.createElement("div") Returns a new div node
    node.removeChild(childElement) removes specified child, returns removed element
    node.appendChild(element) appends existing element to node
    DOM Properties Description
    HTML elements -> nodes
    HTML attributes -> properties
    HTML markup contains elements that may have attributes like src="url". When the HTML code is parsed it becomes a DOM tree with nodes that have properties for each of the source's element attribures.
    node.innerHTML get or set the body of an Element by reading or supplying markup
    node.attribute get or set: href, src, width, height, style, title, ...
    lower-case attribute names with quoted values is preferred
    Tutorials HTML DOM Tutorial - w3schools, HTML DOM Tutorial - javascripttutorial.net
    References Document Object Model - Wikipedia what is HTML DOM, HTML DOM Document, Elements & Properties, Document Object Model
    Definition JavaScript Object Notation - data structure composed of a collection of key-value pairs, where a value can be another collection of key-value pairs.
    Tutorials JSON - Wikipedia, JSON Introduction - w3schools.com
    References json.org, JSON - MDN
    Definition Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), used in browser-based JavaScript to get (and put) data from a website without loading a new page. Data may be strings, JSON, or XML.
    Tutorials AJAX - w3schools.com AJAX - Wikipedia
    Fetch API - replaces XMLHttpRequest
    JavaScript Templating without a Library
    JavaScript Frameworks
    jQuery jQuery.js, jQuery API, jQuery Tutorial - w3schools.com
    node.js node.js, about node.js, node.js tutorial - w3schools.com
    Creating first app with Node.js, Read file in node.js, First API with Node.js and Express, REST API with Node.js and PostgreSQL
    Create a Node.js and React app in Visual Studio
    React.js React.js, Getting Started with React, React tutorial - reactjs.org, Components and Props - reactjs.org
    Four ways to style React components
    CRUD app in react with hooks, Create a Node.js and React app in Visual Studio
    React Native Animated Toggle in Native React
    JSX and TypeScript Getting started with JSX, What is JSX, babeljs.io, babel plugin to transform JSX, webpack.js.org, TypeScript loader for Webpack, TypeScript loader, You might not need to transpile your JavaScript,
    Vue Vue.js, Vue guide
    Angular Angular.js, Angular docs - angular.io, Learn Angular the right way, Angular Tutorial - w3schools.com, Angular for Beginners Guide
    Bootstrap Bootstrap - CSS, JavaScript, and HTML Framework, Bootstrap Documentation
    Drawing with JavaScript and HTML5 canvas Drawing - fabricjs.com, Drawing - paperjs.org, 2D Drawing - two.js
    JavaScript diagramming libs - modeling-languages.com, html5 canvas libraries - ihatetomatoes.net
    Standard Web Components Building Components
    Web Components - MDN, Guide to Web Components - Modular Future
    Componet-based web Application - CodeProject
    Polymer Project
    Web Colors Web colors
    HSL color picker
    Color picker - w3schools.com
    Color picker and harmonies - htmlcolorcodes.com
    clrs.cc, Color chart - websafecolors.info
    How colors work on the web - digital.com
  2. Server Based Technologies
    Programming Environments
    Visual Studio Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) supporting projects and tool-chains for developing projects on Windows with the programming languages: C++, C#, JavaScript, and a variety of other .Net languages.
    Project types
    • Console applications
    • Static website development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and TypeScript - starts with blank solution.
    • Asp.Net Core web sites and web services
    • node.js applications
    • Python applications.
    Getting Started .Net Core and Core SDK Tutorials
    Tutorials for Visual Studio 2022, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio for Mac, and .Net Core CLI tools
    Visual Studio, Visual Studio Documentation
    Getting Started Videos
    Visual Studio Code
    Visual Studio Code is not Visual Studio. It is an IDE based on the Electron JavaScript library, and runs on every platfrom supporting node.js, a message dispatching framework hosting a modern JavaScript environment. That includes Windows, Linux, and the Mac OS's .
    Project Types
    • JavaScript and TypeScript
    • node.js
    • C++ with pluggins
    • C# and .Net with pluggins
    • Java, Python, and Go with pluggins
    Download Visual Studio Code
    .Net Core and Core SDK Tutorials
    Tutorials for Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio for Mac, and .Net Core CLI tools
    Getting Started Visual Studio Code, Getting Started with VS Code, Create a snippet in VS Code
    Working with C# and .Net Core in VS Code dotnet command
    Net Core Tutorials, Using .Net Core in Visual Studio Code, Working with C#
    Configuring VS Code Integrated Terminal, VS Code variables reference, User and Workspace Settings, Custom Tasks
    Working with C++ in VS Code Building C++ with Visual Studio Code, C++ for Visual Studio Code, Make for Windows
    VS Code Videos
    Visual Studio for Mac
    Visual Studio for Mac has support for Asp.Net Core MVC and Web API.
    Download Visual Studio for Mac
    .Net Core and Core SDK Tutorials
    Tutorials for Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio for Mac, and .Net Core CLI tools
    .Net Framework and .Net (Core) The .Net Framework is a set of libraries that support C# and other managed code development on the Windows platform.
    .Net (Core) is a slimmed-down port of the .Net Framework, with some new features, for Windows, Linux, and Macs. We will be using the Core Framework exclusively in this course.
    .Net Framework is still supported, but .Net, formerly known as .Net Core, is now the preferred platform.
    .Net Framework Guide
    Choosing between .Net Core and .Net Framework
    What's new in .Net Core
    .Net Core and Core SDK Tutorials
    Tutorials for Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio for Mac, and .Net Core CLI tools
    .Net Core packages
    dotnet CLI dotnet CLI is a command line interface for the .Net Core framework. It allows us to build, from the command line, C# console applications and Asp.Net Core Web applications.
    Once you've installed the .Net Core SDK you can explore dotnet CLI capabilities with the command: dotnet /h.
    Tutorial on .Net CLI - tutorialsteacher.com, Quick Tour of the .Net CLI - build scripts, Exploring dotnet CLI - Scott Hanselman
    .Net Core and Core SDK Tutorials
    Tutorials for Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio for Mac, and .Net Core CLI tools
    What's new in .Net Core, .Net Core packages .Net Core CLI Tools, .Net Core SDK and tools,
    .Net CLI and AWS Lambda
    VirtualBox VirtualBox is a virtual machine host that can be installed on any platform that supports Java, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS's. Mac users may wish to set up VirtualBox and install a Windows guest along with Visual Studio.
    Download VirtualBox, Installing VirtualBox
    PowerShell PowerShell is a command line facility with a powerful scripting language. But it's hard to learn well. I may use powershell for some demos in class.
    Hints: try opening PowerShell and typing: get-help, get-help commands, get-help objects,
    get-help About_methods, get-help About_properties, get-help About
    Tutorial - tutorialspoint.com, PowerShell Execution Policy,
    functions, passing arguments to cmdlets
    Create and Edit Profile, psEdit, PowerShell Profile, PowerShell Profiles
    Set-PSReadLineOption, Change console colors, Change prompt,
    Asp.Net Core
    Definition Asp.Net is a platform for delivering web content. Asp.Net applications respond to requests by dynamically assembling web pages from control models and data, often from a database. Asp.Net was originally a Windows only platform. Asp.Net Core extends that to Linux and Mac platforms as well.
    The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture has three major part types:
    Views display information to the user and transmit user actions back to a controller. Controller instances are created for each request. They coordinate responses to the request by collecting data from the model and assembling it into a view for the response. Models manage data and often provide application logic to simplify controller operations.
    Books Asp.Net Core Book - gitbooks
    Tutorials Introduction to Asp.Net Core - MSDN, Razor Pages Tutorial - MSDN
    Asp.Net Core - Dependency Injection - tutorialsteacher.com
    References .Net Core Guide, Asp.Net Core Documentation - MSDN
    Using .Net Core in Visual Studio Code
    Razor syntax reference - MSDN, Create Razor Pages application
    App startup, Static files in Asp.Net Core
    File Uploads in Asp.Net Core
    Understanding Asp.Net Core demystified, Asp.Net Core Demystified - Razor Pages
    Asp.Net Core MVC Pipeline, View Layout
    Configure Asp.Net Core services, Configure to use static files
    Use Dependency Injection in Asp.Net Core, Dependency Injection Demystified, Dependency injection in Asp.Net Core
    Dependency Injection Best Practices,
    Building things Build a CRUD App with Web API and Angular
    Asp.Net Core Arch, Asp.Net Core Hidden Gems - Scott Hanselman
    HttpContext, HttpRequest Class, HttpResponse Class
    REST Client, HttpClient Class
    file upload and download, File Uploads in Asp.Net Core
    Authentication Role-base Authorization in Asp.Net Core - MSDN, Getting Started with Identity and Role - MSDN
    Custom user roles and authorization
    Dynamic Role-Based Authorization - CodeProject Authorization with roles
    Asp.Net Web API
    Definition Asp.Net Web API provides a platform for building web services, e.g., web content that is consumed by code in other applications. Like REST applications, the Asp.Net Web API actions are based on HTTP verbs, GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. Content is managed by controllers with data provided by models (often wrappers for a database).
    Books Asp.Net Core MVC
    Tutorials Asp.Net MVC - Web API - tutorialspoint.com, Getting Started with Asp.Net Web API
    Create a web API with Asp.Net Core MVC Tutorial - MSDN,
    Reference Asp.Net Web API - asp.net, .Net API Browser - MSDN
    Building things Build a CRUD App with Web API and Angular
    Web API Clients
    Definition Asp.Net Web API Clients are applications that consume Asp.Net API services. They may be console applications, Windows Presentation Application (WPF) programs, or other Web Applications.
    Survey Asp.Net Core Clients
    Console Apps Web API Console client, Asp.Net Web API Console Client, Console Applications
    WPF WPF Client for Asp.Net Web API, Consuming Asp.Net Web API in WPF
    WPF Client for Asp.Net Web API, wpftutorial.net, WPF Tutorial - tutorialspoint.com
    Using Angular and React CRUD with React and Asp.Net Core, CRUD with React.js and Entity Framework Core
    Angular Client for Asp.Net Web API, Build CRUD App for Asp.Net Web API with Angular.js
    Android React Native
    Xamarin.Android Applications
    Relational Databases
    Definition Relational databases store data in tables with relationships between tables definded by primary and foreign keys. Most relational databases support Structured Query Language (SQL) used to create, manage, and delete tables and extract information using queries that may join information from multiple tables.
    Tutorials SQL - w3schools.com, SQL - tutorialspoint.com
    MS SQL Server Tutorial - tutorialspoint.com, SQL Server Tutorial - techonthenet.com
    Working with SQL Server LocalDB, Connection String
    Tutorials for SQL Server Mgmt Studio
    Reference SQL Server Functions - w3schools.com, SQL Server Documentation - MSDN
    SQL Server Tools for VS, Visual Studio Server Mgmt Studio
    MySql MySQL for Visual Studio,
    Building things Create SQL Project with Visual Studio
    NoSQL Databases
    Definition NoSQL databases do not store data in tables. Rather, they use key-value or graph-based document stores. They use queries that are less formal than SQL and don't provide data consistency guarantees, of the kind supported by SQL.
    Summaries Wikipedia, mongoDB, couchbase.com, AWS - Amazon.com, nosql-database.org
    Entity Framework
    Definition Entity Framework is part of the Asp.Net platform. It provides classes to wrap Relational tables and a context to store application specific data-centric information like db connection strings.
    Tutorials Entity Framework Tutorial, Entity Framework Core
    EF 6 Tutorial, Entity Core Tutorial - stackify.com
    References Entity Framework Documentation - MSDN,
    Building things EF Core - Data First - MSDN, Generate Model from db
    Definition C# is a programming language that supports managed code, with structure very similar to Java. It is supported by the .Net Framework libraries which wrap most of the Windows API as well as provide language support for strings, delegates, presentation, and communication.
    Tutorials tutorialspoint.com, C# Tutorials - MSDN
    References C# Reference - MSDN, C# Programming Guide - MSDN
    Building things 10 Most Common Mistakes
  3. Example Websites
    Design Design for Developers
    dribble.com/dhg, behance.net/gallery
    jonsuh.com, Juice-Interactive
    Web sites with interesting designs and designers: csszengarden.com alistapart.com, airbagindustries.com, andybudd.com, clearleft.com, cameronmoll.com, clagnut.com, meyerweb.com, Behance.net, woodst.com
    Other Web Sites simplebits.com, CSSZenGarden, adactio.com
    Introduction to Asp.Net Core - MSDN
    .Net Core Guide, Introduction to Asp.Net Core - MSDN, Asp.Net Core Documentation - MSDN
    Asp.Net Core Book - gitbooks Asp.Net Core demystified
    Razor syntax reference - MSDN, Razor Pages Tutorial - MSDN
    Create Razor Pages application, Asp.Net Core Demystified - Razor Pages
    Intro to ASP.net MVC4 website - MSDN, Intro to Asp.Net MVC 5 - MSDN
    Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)
    Excellent source for information about most of the important web programming topics.
    Catalog of free resources - Syncfusion.com
    Intersting discussion of design and implementation of pages.
    Good examples of page layout and design.
    CSS play
  4. Syracuse University CSE686 Class Notes: Course Page, Home Page
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