BuildOn - Steps References

The table below aggregates all references provided in each of the BuildOn Steps pages.

Table 1. - Steps References

Topic Description Link
Look here first Starts with quick to intermediate tutorials on the Rust language. Getting Started
Hello World A quick taste of how C++, Rust, and C# are similar and different - the infamous HelloWorld program. Hello Worlds
Rust in a Nutshell Brief discussion of Rust codes with simple examples. Rust in a Nutshell
into_rust() Excellent introduction to Rust's ownership model with simple metaphors. into_rust()
Survey This is an extensive github file with table of contents and most of the ideas expressed in simple language with lots of details. easy-rust
Syntax This is is a github Gist that presents much of the Rust syntax without much drill-down. This is a good starting place, but you will find, as you learn Rust, that a lot is missing here. But starting out, that is probably a good thing. Almost all the missing details you can find in the previous easy-rust link. syntax guide
Safety Rust definitions, invariants, syntax checking rules, and types that make Rust code safe by construction. Rust Bites Safety
Ownership Discussion of the ownership rules with several small code examples. Rust Bites Ownership
Rust Story A narrative walk through of the Rust Language, provided by this site. Rust Story
Rust Bite by Byte A sequence of small bites from the Rust language with examples. Rust Bites
Hello Objects A quick taste of how C++, Rust, and C# create and use objects. Hello Objects
Tooling The Rust environment comes with some great tools: cargo, clippy, doc. You will want to add Visual Studio Code. Tooling
Cargo Book
Visual Studio Code
File System Rust has a well engineered facility for accessing files and directories.
Some key types in std::fs are: DirEntry, File, OpenOptions, ReadDir, ...
Rust story File System
Error Handling Rust error handling is based on use of the enumeration: enum Result<T,E> { Ok(T), Err(E), } where T is the type of the returned value, E is the type of the expected error. Rust enums are unique in that each of the enumertion items may be a wrapper for a specified type, like Ok and Err. RustStory Enums
RustStory Error Handling
Gentle Introduction to Rust std::Result
Data Operations Rust data operations copy, move, and clone. These operations combined with Rust's ownership rules (discussed next time) are the defining characteristics of the language. They are responsible for Rust's data safety and performance. Hello Data
Data types, copy, and move
Rust Story Data
Trait Copy
keyword move
Trait Clone
Strings Rust strings come in two flavors: String and str, representing string objects and literal strings. Each contains utf-8 characters. Rust Story Strings
Primitive Type str
struct Rust structs serve the same role as classes do in C++ and C#. Struct methods are defined inside impl StructName {} blocks. Rust Story structs
keyword impl
Generics Generics in Rust are very similar to those in C# and Java, and simpler than C++ templates. They are code generators often do little more than substitute a specific type for a generic parameter. Rust generics are often constrained with traits, as discussed above. Rust Story Generics
Rust Bites Generics and Traits
The Rust Book
Rust env Command line arguments for any Rust program are available through the std::env module. std::env
Accepting CL args
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