Site Glossary
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Site Glossary

definitions and links

One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition.
- Alvin Toffler

Bites Thread where each page focuses on a single small topic, but all share the same area of discourse, e.g., some important topics in the Rust programming language. A Bite thread makes no promise to cover its area completely, e.g., here's some interesting topics in ...
Bits Small code fragments in one of five programming languages, cited below, intended to support comparisons with other languages that implement the same fragments, similar to comparing sentences in English and Spanish.
Code Source code for programs and libraries used in demonstrations and hosted in site repositories. Languages used for this site are: C++, Rust, C#, Python, and JavaScript.
Repository A Documentation Page and a linked github repository holding code and code resources. Each Repository is linked to by a Repository Summary Page
Site All of the pages, images, diagrams, and code hosted by https://github.com/JimFawcett
Story Thread that covers some relatively large topic, e.g., the C++ Story. A story promises to cover its topic fairly completely in at least an intermediate level of detail.
Thread Sequence of linked web pages using Next, Prev, and Pages links
Track A Track Summary page, a Story, and Bites
Not all tracks have both stories and bites, but will eventually.
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