Design Track Summary
DesignBites Repository

Design Track Summary

Design, Structure, Evolution

Design Bites Index Design Concept, Design, Evolution, Document, Building, Presenting Structure Monolithic, Factored, DataFlow, TypeErase, PlugIn Monolithic Monolithic structure, Example code Factored Factored structure, Example code Data-Flow Data-Flow structure, Example code TypeErase Type erase structure, Example code PlugIn Plug In structure, Example code    
Fig 1. Partial Demo Code
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"
- Vijay Dhameliya

These Design Bites have a fairly complete discussion about design and how it fits into the software development process. They present a nice concrete example of design evolution. There is an overview in Design Bites Repository (scroll down) and details in all the bites after the Structure bite.

What is Design?

Design encompasses defining concept, architecture, specification, and code structure, i.e., packages and top-level objects. Implementation, covers code creation, builds, testing, and deployment. Of course, implementation requires design as well, but embedded in an already designed framework with a single function focus. This thread focuses on Design - the "What?", "Why?", and "So What?", flushing out all conceptual details before the "How?" of implementation.

Why do we do it?

Design is intended to make intentional decisions about functionality and structure. If we start with Implementation most of the decisions are accidental - it's that way because that's how we built it. Miss-targeted functionality or badly flawed structure may be beyond the capability of refactoring to repair into an understandable, smoothly functioning implementation that meets user needs. Refactoring can improve code maintainability and lubricate the operations and flows of a well designed code base. It can support addition of small bits of compatible new functionality. We do that all the time. But it cannot turn a big ball of mud into a sweetly smelling automaton.

So What?

Design helps us make decisions about complexity - functionality tradeoffs. It lets several minds deliberate about user needs, performance, error handling, and attack footprints. Thus the basis for decisions is not a very large complex code base that no one understands in its entirety, but instead an enumerated set of user needs, clear structure, and named set of operations with responsibilities attached. Whoops! I thought the clients were going to populate our product's database with their gigabytes of data. What do you mean that's our job!

Why Not?

For interesting important software products there are often "Why Not?"s to think about. Some compelling features may be too expensive or too risky to attempt right now. Wait for Version 2. Some features may charm the developers (see what we can do!) but be quite unimportant to users. Skillfully handling the "Why?"s and "Why Not?"s is very likely to end successfully.

Design Bites:

This track starts with some specifics about design then focuses on that part dealing with software structure. We pose a TextFinder project and use that as a basis for exploring design activities. It concludes with a very simple line-counting program that morphs from a monolith structure into a data-flow with plugins. The line-counter is so simple the basic structure would suffice, but that simplicity allows us to view structural differences between monolithic, factored, data-flow, type-erase, and plugin implementations. We discuss changes needed and compare the complexities of each. The code above on the right is a snippet of Rust that implements a TypeErase Structure in the line counting demo. In following bites we show all the Rust code for each version: monolithic, factored, ... That code is simple enough you will be able to follow even if you haven't used Rust yet (you are likely to soon). It's also a great way to start learning Rust. The DesignBites Repository gives a nice diagramatic overview of the line-counter evolution, showing the structure of each with comments. Each bite in that sequence shows structure and code.
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