CppBites Repo
CppBites Repository
Short stories and code about C++ features
Quick Status
- Bjarne Stroustrup
- Platforms: how the Windows, Linux, and MacOS platforms support code that runs there.
- Programs: basics about execution, types, functions, and structure.
- Object Models: how code uses objects to structure its operations.
Each Bite takes an important basic topic, provides a relatively consise overview,
and for some pages provides sample code.
C++ Track Summary Getting started with the C++ programming language -
Introduction What is C++: Highs & Lows -
Survey C++ core language and revisions supporting "modern C++" -
Core Model C++ core language basics -
Core Memory C++ use of static, stack, and native heap -
Core Types C++ Type basics and revisions supporting safety -
Core Classes Class anatomy -
STR code Detailed Class anatomy Example -
Core Templates Generic types and their uses -
Core STL Summary of the Standard Template Library -
Modern Model Revisions of the Core Model -
C++11 First modernization focuses on safety -
C++ 14 Focuses on programming convenience -
C++ 17 support for Template Meta Programming (TMP), convenience syntax -
C++ 20 type bounds, ranges, and new code structure
Bite Demonstration Code:
functions, methods, and lambdas
Pass arguments by value and reference, pass and return functions, use static and dynamic dispatch. -
Demonstrate non-generic and generic methods.
Demonstrates closures with copy and with move capture.