Bits Track Summary
Bits Track Summary
Comparisons of C++, Rust, C#, Python, and JavaScript
Bits Index
- Vincent Van Gogh
What are Bits?
Comparisons of compilable language fragments
- C++ compiles to native code, is fast, flexible, and complex
- Rust compiles to native code, is fast, flexible, and mostly simple
- C# compiles to managed bytecode, is jitted at load time, is flexible, but lower throughput and higher latency than C++ or Rust.
- Python is dynamic code, interpreted into code blocks, translated at run-time, is simple and flexible, but slower than C#.
- JavaScript is dynamic code, interpreted at load time, executed in an event loop, is slower than C#.
For each language a series of learning levels
- how to acquire and setup tools from each of the five languages
- write a simple "Hello World" program to test the installations
- Basics of each language type system
- How to use library types
- How to create and use custom types
- How to create generic functions and types, ...
- How to use iterators