Rust Glossary
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Bits Glossary

common terms

Bits Index Bits Track Summary Overview of Bits Bits Repository Document for Bits code repository Introduction Initial language comparisons Tooling Compilers, builders, VS Code IDE C++ Hello "Hello World" program with links to Rust, C#, Python, and JavaScript C++ Data Basic types and instances C++ Objects Standard and user-defined types C++ Generics Generic types and functions C++ Iteration Iterators and iteration    

Term Definition
Block-Structured Code composed of blocks delineated with braces or indentations. Each block creates a stackframe for allocation of local resources when thread of execution ebters and disposes on exit.
Examples: Algol, C, C++, Rust, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, ...
Programming language
Statically typed, imperative, object-oriented language with templates and standard temple library. Compiles to native code, is fast, expects programmers to understand the consequences of every line of code they write.
Is powerful, complex, has many context dependencies and many paths to undefined behavior.
Programming language
Statically typed, imperative, object-oriented, managed language with generics and run-time reflection. Compiles to Common Intermediate Language bytecode, runs in the Common Language Runtime virtual machine.
Has three distince type categories: Value, Reference, and Dynamic types with very different semantics for each.
Dynamically typed Types of variables are determined at run-time by binding to data.
Examples: Elixir, R, JavaScript, Python, Perl, Erlang, MATLAB
Imperative Source code describes steps to execute.
Examples: Algol, C, C++, Rust, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, ...
programming language
Dynamically typed, managed, imperative language with prototype chains. Interpreted and executed in a single threaded virtual machine with message queue and stack of function frames.
Code syntax is simple, subject to run-time exceptions for definition errors that are only detected at run-time when expressions cannot be evaluated. Failures tend to be silent.
Managed language Compiles to bitecode that is translated for hosting in a virtual machine. Usually uses garbage collection and may support reflection.
Examples: TypeScript, Elixir, Clojure, C#, JavaScript, Java, Python, Erlang
programming language
Dynamically typed, imperative, managed language with Abstract Base Classes. Translated to code blocks and interpreted, has simple syntax with indented blocks.
Code syntax is simple, subject to run-time exceptions for definition errors that are only detected at run-time when expressions cannot be evaluated.
programming language
Statically typed, imperative language with traits and generics. Compiles to native code, is fast, has memory and thread safety by contract.
Code syntax clearly describes processing on machine hardware. "What you write is what you get"
Tooling Code editors, compilers, interpreters, package managers, debuggers, version control, deployment
Examples: Visual Studio, VS Code, Vim, MSBuild, gcc, clang, Cargo, npm, lldb, git
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