ib RustBite Code Examples
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Rust Bite - Code Examples

links to all the RustBites code examples

There are expository code fragments on most of the RustBites pages. The table below links to those and to larger compile-able demonstrations.

Table of Examples

BiteLink Content
Introduction Hello Visual Studio Code views of "Hello World" code, build and output, and associated metadata in Cargo.toml
GettingStarted Functions simple demos: iterator, factorial, methods for construction and retrieval
UDB Undefined behavior Shows how undefined behavior can occur using C++: refs to unowned memory, index out of bounds. Also shows how Rust eliminates these behaviors by compiler analysis and run-time checks.
Data Data operations Many small code fragments throughout page, illustrating data operations: bind, copy, move, clone.
FlashCards Rust Collections Small code fragments showing how to initialize Rust collection types and push a few data items, with diagrams illustrating collection structure.
Facts Survey Tables summarizing data operations, data structures, smart pointers, ownership rules, and generics with small code fragments.
Strings Examples for &str str is the type of a literal string, a Copy type, and &str is a reference to that.
Strings Examples for String String is a Move type composed of a collection of utf8 characters.
Strings Examples for String iteration Iteration must work with characters that vary in size from 1 to 4 bytes.
DataStr Primitives and Aggregates Code fragments for construction and initialization.
DataStr Iterators Code fragments for iteration over collections and very useful iterator methods. Also has examples of use.
DataStr String Examples of formatting for output using iterators.
DataStr Vec<T> Examples of initialization, manipulation, and iteration.
DataStr HashMap<K,V> Examples of associative collection - initialization, manipulation, and iteration.
SmartPtrs Box<T> Example of pointer to item in heap - creation and lifecycle of its data.
SmartPtrs Rc<T> Example of ref counted ptr - creation and use referring to multiple items.
SmartPtrs Arc<T> Example of thread-safe ref counted ptr - creation and use referring to multiple items.
SmartPtrs RefCell<T> Example of ptr with interior mutability - shows run-time borrow checking.
SmartPtrs Other interesting problems Solutions to 3 problems that illustrate use of SmartPtrs.
LifeCycle TestLifeCycle User-defined Type and Vec: instance creation, clone, use, move, and drop
Ownership Strings and string references Examples of ownership and demonstration of errors
Traits Demonstrate generics and traits Simple examples of a generic function and struct. Summary of frequently used traits.
Functs Passing arguments Examples of pass-by-value and pass-by-reference
Functs Return types Examples of Option<T> and Result<T,E> return types
Functs Generics Generic function that can process a variety of collection types.
Functs Closures Explores captured data, moves, and use with iterator methods. Also has example of function accepting a closure.
Structs User-defined types Examples of creating non-generic and generic types.
Structs Traits Example trait and its use building a Point<T> type.
Structs Dispatch Example of static dispatch vs dynamic dispatch using trait.
LifeTime lifetime annotation Example showing when lifetime annotation is needed, via compiler error messages, and how to supply the annotation.
Enums User-defined enumerations Example of an Event<T> enumeration - definition and use.
Enums Matching Matching, usually used with enums, is illustrated here with character ranges to build a partial lexer.
ErrHnd Result<T,E> & Option<T> Simple demonstration of error and optional handling with matching.
ErrHnd Bubbling errors up to caller Bubbling up errors dramatically reduces redundant error handling code.
Options Iterators use Option<T> Illustrates how plain loops and for-loops work.
Options Iterating over generic types Illustrates displaying Rust types and functions that accept iterators.
Options Plug-ins Illustrates role of Option<T> and traits in building plug-in architectures.
Collections Some of the Rust collections Diagrams and small code fragmentes illustrating use of arrays, tupls, structs, Vec<T>, VecDeque<T>, HashMap<K,V>, String, and str. Has links to playground code.
Iterators Functions that accept iterators These functions use traits to accept any collection that has an iterator in order to view and manipulate the collection elements. Examples also show how to return an iterator and how to create a custom iterator type. Also has everal links to playground examples.
Iterators Iterating over utf8 strings Text shows how String iteration works. Links are provided to playground examples.
Iterators Iterator adapters Adapters support composing operations on collections during iteration. Table shows useful adapter signatures and links to examples in playground.
Iterators Loops Example shows how for loop is implemented with iterators.
Iterators Ranges Text provides definition and an example. Links to examples in playground.
Iterators Slices Text provides definition and an example. Links to examples in playground.
Idioms Converting to idiomatic code Idiomatic code conforms to Rust community accepted structure and style.
One simple code example provided with explanation. Text adds additional information about clippy, a very useful cargo tool that reports non-idomatic code fragments.
Macros Declarative macros Examples of capturing local data and building variatic operations using recursion.
Macros Macro structure Example of macro with two expansion rules.
Macros Variadic macros Example of variadic operation with detailed annotations.
Macros A practical example Illustrates matching lexical categories. Builds a "time_it!" macro. Also provides a macro for building HashMaps.
Macros standard Rust macros Partial list of standard macros with descriptions and examples.
Macros Macro arguments Compares macro that consumes arguments vs one that does not.
Threads Interior mutability Demonstrates interior mutability, essential for most threading applications.
Threads std::cell types Illustrates use of UnsafeCell<T>, Cell<T>, and RefCell<T>. These codes are excerpts from std library documentation with my annotations.
Threads Basic threading Child and main threads share std::output and AtomicUsize, both thread safe types.
Threads Sharing Example of two threads sharing a non thread-safe String using Mutex<T> and Arc<T>.
Threads ThreadResult<T> Code defines a ThreadResult<T> type using Mutex<T> and Condvar. ThreadResult instances are very similar to C++ future<T>, providing polling and blocking get. This provides a safe way for a thread to return a result to its creator.
Note that Rust std::library defines a future associated with async processing. This is part of the infrastructure for async executers like Tokio.
Threads BlockingQueue<T> Code defines a BlockingQueue<T> type using Mutex<VecDeque<T>> and Condvar. This thread-safe queue blocks dequers when empty and unblocks for deques when "messages" arrive.
Synchron Synchronization Types Table describes and links to documentation with examples for Mutex<T>, RwLock<T>, Condvar, Atomic, Arc<T>, and Barrier.
Synchron Mutex<T> Synchronizes access for two readers and two writers to a shared String.
Synchron RwLock<T> Synchronizes access for four readers and two writers to a shared String.
Synchron Condvar<T> Uses ThreadResult<T>, which uses Condvar, to poll and wait for results.
Synchron Atomics Uses AtomicUsize to count operations in a thread's loop.
Synchron Barrier Waits for all threads to start in a multi-threaded example.
RegEx Simple matching Example uses two fairly simple regular expression strings for matching.
RegEx Important RegEx tokens Table of important tokens with use example fragments.
RegEx RegEx crate Examples of use for RegEx crate.
TipsAndTricks Member thread Example of user-defined type with thread start method.
TipsAndTricks Start thread in constructor Example of user-defined type with thread start in constructor.
TipsAndTricks Stop thread Example of user-defined type with thread stop method - uses AtomicBool to signal.
TipsAndTricks Stop watch Example of user-defined timer.
TipsAndTricks callback Example of user-defined timer with callback.
TipsAndTricks DateTime stamps Example of DateTime stamps in several formats.
CodeExperiments Experimenting with Playground Using Rust Playground to experiment with code in an organized way.
CodeExperiments Simple Playground Experiments A set of basic demos in Rust Playground.
Rust Glossary of Terms Rust terms defined
Rust terms defined with text and code examples.
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