C++ is a widely used, and in some ways elegant, programming language. Its use is compelling
It has excellent performance, due in part to the fact that it compiles to native machine code
rather than to byte code interpreted by a virtual machine.
C++ is very expressive. Its operator syntax, use of aliases, and syntactic separation of
interface from implementation, allows a designer to express design intents very clearly.
The language supports class designs that allow users to be oblivious of the acquisition
and handling of resources. Its standard libraries often make a lot of that almost automatic.
It provides direct control over the acquisition and release of resources, and those
actions are deterministic. The designer has a lot of control over the release of resources
that are shared within a process, like file handles.
It is the only modern language that supports creating user-defined value behavior with
classes that may also participate in polymorphic class hierarchies.
C++ is still evolving to become more efficient, designer-friendly, and provide more artifacts that
support safe, reliable operation, like the standard smart pointers, move operations, and better
type deduction. Its current standard is C++17 and the next, C++20, is moving toward completion.
This story is intended to help you get started or refresh your knowledge of C++.
Story Content:
This is a story about the C++ programming language. It orders content
from this site into a sequence of chapters about the C++ programming language. Each page of the story
is linked in the Table of Contents (TOC) dropdown.
Chapter 1. - Introduce basics
Chapter 2. - C++ classes
Chapter 3. - Class relationships and the construction of compound objects
Chapter 4. - Templates and Template Specialization
Chapter 5. - Conclude with a survey of the code repositories and how you might strengthen your C++ skills
Appendix - C++ Survival Guide, C++ Examples, C++ References
Story Navigation:
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Story ToDo:
Add more content pages.
Add more exercises in the exercise pages for each chapter.
Convert most of the pdf content to web pages.
Add section on template specialization in Chapter 4.
Discuss template metaprogramming, using CppProperty as an example