"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough"
- Mae West, actress
create Prototypes track
Factor Repositories.html into CppRepositories.html, CsRepositories.html, ...
Populate Rust and C# Repositories with more examples and projects
Populate JavaScript Repositories from code used to build this site.
Continue process of improving repository documentation.
Relocate C++, C#, Rust, and JavaScript resources to links on Repository pages.
Cite any component dependencies
Improve formatting of Readme files using Markdown
Remove ineffective content, e.g., some of the projects in TemplateTechniques.
Factor out test stubs into DemoX.cpp files
Include static lib or exe in most repos
Add build page
Convert custom widgets to WebComponents
ProcessCmdLine: Look at default value for path, add inverted regex with /r
Make test stubs more user friendly
Add regression tests to the bigger repos
TextFinder and file utilities:
Save results in internal path vector, if not empty take as working set for subsequent
runs. That supports compound queries.
Overhaul of UI for Duplicates - start with new ProcessCmdLine
Add queued logger option which uses single threaded apartment
CodeAnalyzer: simplify and port dependency analysis from CsDependencyAnalysis
MsgPassingComm: make messages compatible with HTTP
Factor Publishing video into playlist:
Software Reuse
Publishing Application Domains
Site Design
Rust Story
C++ story
Site help
C# story
C++ Properties
Async Comm
Move language resources onto repositories pages and menus.
Revise LangCpp.html to provide a clear path for learning C++ basics
and more advanced features.
Webpage Components:
Standard webcomponents (championed by Google and sanctified by W3C) appear to be
an effective way to build components, e.g., reuseable parts, for web pages.
Angular, Vue, and React have also developed interesting component technologies.
I plan to use webcomponents for resize-able images and perhaps an alternative to
standard html <details> with slightly different behavior.
Build tool(s) to setup and synchronize local mirror site.
Build tool for regex and keyword searches on local mirror.
Starter Site:
Strip out most of the contents of this site, clean up JavaScript and CSS, and install
as a starter site for anyone wanting to publish their own domain code.
Test, then create helper documentation to make it feasible for anyone
to publish.