Post: Rust FlashCards

Rust FlashCards

common types for structuring and accessing data

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Flash cards are brief descriptions of data-related Rust types, traits, or keywords. Each has a description with a small useage example and diagram. The purpose is to provide a quick way to grasp an important language model or feature.
Topic Description Diagram
Copy type Construction and assignment of copy type implicitly copies contents of source to destination.
  • contiguous memory, satisfies Copy trait
  • examples: primitive types like i8, i16, .., u8, u16, .., f32, f64, &str, immut refs, ..
  • constr: let x = y;  // copies
    assign: x = y;      // copies
  • Code demo: Copy
Move type Construction and assignment of move type implicitly moves resources of source to destination.
  • non-contiguous memory, does not implement Copy trait
  • move transfers ownership of resources from source to destination
  • examples:
    Vec<T>, String, aggregate types holding at least one move type, mut refs, many user defined types
  • constr: let x = y;  // moves
    assign: x = y;      // moves y invalid after operation
  • Code demo: move
Clone type Construction and assignment of clone type explicitly copies resources of source to destination.
  • examples: Vec<T>, String, many user defined types
  • constr: let x = y.clone();  // clone
    assign: x = y.clone();      // clone y valid after operation
  • Code demo: clone
Reference type Pointer to instance of some type with special rules:
  • must be initialized before use: let r = &u, let mr = &mut v
  • references cannot concurrently share mutation of referend
  • lifetime is scoped based, from the point of declaration to the end of that scope
  • The rules above are basis for Rust's memory safety. There are more details explained in Safety
  • All other pointer types must reside in unsafe { ... } to be dereferenced1
    Goal: don't use unsafe blocks in code you write. Let std library types do any required unsafe processing. They have been written by the Rust team and are thoroughly vetted and wrapped in a safe interface.
  • Code demo: Reference

  1. raw pointers may be declared, initialized, and written to the console. That is safe. However, dereferencing is unsafe.
Vec<T> Collection of instances of type T residing in contiguous heap memory.
  • consists of control block in stack holding pointer to array of T instances in heap
  • reallocates heap memory to accept new instance when capacity is full
  • create vector: let v = Vec::<int>::new();
    let w: Vec<T> = vec![t1, t2, t3];
  • v and w are dropped, returning resources, when they go out of scope.
  • Code demo: create and display vectors
VecDeque<T> Collection of instances of type T residing in a circular buffer in heap memory.
  • consists of control block in stack holding pointer to circular buffer of T instances in heap
  • Control block contains references to the front and back of the VecDeque.
  • reallocates heap memory to accept new instance when capacity is full
  • create queue: let v = VecDec::<T>::new();
    v.push_back(t1); v.push_back(t2); let u = v.pop_front();
  • v and u are dropped, returning resources, when they go out of scope.
  • Code demo: create and display vecdeque
HashMap<K,V> Collection of buckets (linked list of key-value pairs) rooted in table in heap memory.
  • Consists of control block in stack holding pointer to address table of buckets in heap
  • Hash function used to calculate table address from key.
  • If hash yields address with existing bucket, key-value pair added to bucket list.
  • Reallocates table memory when table bucket count approaches table size.
  • create hashmap: let h = HashMap::<K,V>::new();
  • table and all bucket elements are dropped when they go out of scope.
  • Code demo: create and display HashMap
String Collection of utf-8 characters residing in contiguous heap memory.
  • consists of control block in stack holding ptr to contiguous heap memory allocation.
  • a utf-8 character may occupy from 1 to 4 bytes, allowing a large collection of language sets, e.g., ASCII, Unicode, Kanji, Arabic, ...
  • The item above means that Rust std::String instances cannot be indexed. There is a string iterator, called chars(), that understands byte sequences that define utf-8 character boundaries. let s = String::from("a literal string");
    let c2 = s.chars().nth(4).unwrap();
  • reallocates heap memory to accept new character(s) when capacity is full
  • create String: let s = String::new();
    let t = String::from("a string");
  • s and t are dropped, returning resources, when they go out of scope.
  • Code demo: create and manipulate String and str
str str is a copy type that represents a literal string in contiguous block of memory
  • converting between str and String:
      let s = "an ordered collection of utf-8 characters";
      let t = String::from(s);
      let u = &s;
  • Literal strings are almost always used via a reference, e.g., &s
  • Sample code in Rust Playground: copy str demo
Box<T> Box is a smart pointer to an instance of type T on the heap.
  • Box is the only safe way to allocate an instance in the heap
  • let s = String::from("string in heap");
    let x = Box::new(s); // moves s into Box
  • a Box is dropped to release its resource when it goes out of scope
  • a Box instance is implicitly dereferenced to provide the interface of its inner instance
  • Code demo: store, modify, and read value in heap
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